Page 2 of Just One More Dare

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Brandy strode over and grasped her hand. “Give me a few minutes,” she said to everyone else. “Let me talk to her.”

“Go ahead,” Olivia said softly.

But her mother shook her head, clearly wanting to hear the problem now. Despite her hurt and anger, Samantha managed a smile. She wouldn’t shut her mom out. The same with her sisters.

She squared her shoulders. “I just overheard my bastard fiancé reassuring his mistress that they’ll be together one day, she just needs to be patient. To give him time to stay married long enough to get my money.”

She ground her teeth as her family exploded in righteous anger on her behalf. “I need to go,” Samantha said.

“Where?” her mom asked.

“To have a word with my fiancé and then I need to get out of here. I can’t…” She sniffed, a small piece of her heart breaking at what a fool she’d been. “I can’t face everyone. Especially Ian.” Her brother, well, brothers plural, if she was being honest, had never liked Jeremy. Apparently, they had better taste and instincts than she had.

If Ian only knew how badly she’d nearly screwed up… As the oldest, he’d been like a parent to all the Dare kids, first when their father was traveling for business, and later, after he’d dropped the bomb that shattered their lives. That he had a second family nobody knew about. Ian would be so disappointed in her.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Brandy asked.

Samantha shook her head. “Thanks for the offer but I’m too afraid you’ll punch him in the face before I get a chance to tell him to go fuck himself.” If nothing else, Samantha was surrounded by a solid support system. So why hadn’t she listened to their subtle but honest comments about the man she’d planned to marry?

She’d have plenty of time to ponder and figure out the whys later. “I’m sorry, everyone. I just…”

Her mother placed her hands on Samantha’s shoulders. “You will be fine. Go do what you need to do and I’ll handle the rest. But call or text and let us know where you decide to go. I want to know you’re okay.”

Samantha nodded. “I will. Thanks, Mom.” She hugged her mother, taking comfort in the familiar scent of her perfume, then did the same with her sisters and cousins.

Brandy walked her to the suite door. “Are you sure you don’t want support? I won’t deck him until after you tell the bastard off.”

Laughing, Samantha shook her head. “No thanks, but I love you for offering.” She headed out the door, walked down the hall and around the corner leading to the groom’s suite.

Stopping outside the door, she raised her hand to knock, pausing when she realized it was quiet inside. She supposed it made sense. If Jeremy wanted to be able to talk to his mistress, he’d probably sent his groomsmen away so they’d have some time alone.

At the reminder, she rapped on the door with her knuckles and when the bastard didn’t open it immediately, she knocked hard again.

“David, I told you I needed time alone!” He opened the door partway, obviously expecting to see his best man. “Samantha! What are you doing here? It’s bad luck for us to see each other before the ceremony.”

“Since when are you superstitious?” She slammed her hand on the door, surprising him by pushing it open. She lifted her skirt once more, walked inside, and looked around the empty room. “Where is she?”

“Samantha, darling, what are you doing here?” He reached out his hand to touch her.

She snapped, slapping him across the face. “You bastard.”

He reared back, holding his cheek in his hand. “What was that for?”

“For screwing your assistant behind my back,” she said, with her heart pounding hard inside her chest.

He opened his mouth and she shook her head. “Don’t. Our balconies are right next door to each other and I heard every word.”

His cheeks highlighted with color. “Whatever you heard, you misunderstood. She was wishing us good luck. I love you, darling.”

“Again, don’t. Don’t darling me. Don’t patronize me. Don’t try to twist what I heard or lie about the fact that you were marrying me for my money, you asshole.” She worked the engagement ring off her finger and held it in front of his face. “The wedding is off.”


He didn’t deserve another second of her time. She tossed the ring at him, turned, and walked to the door, ignoring his pleas to let him explain.

She returned to the bridal suite to find her bridesmaids in the midst of changing into their regular clothes when she walked in.

“Samantha!” her cousin Lucy said. “What happened?”

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