Page 16 of Just One More Dare

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They stood on the runway under umbrellas and waited for someone to deliver their bags from the plane. Once they had them, they rolled them into the main area where people congregated before their private flights.

“Can I give you a lift home?” Dex asked. He’d parked his car in the long-term lot the day they left for the Bahamas.

She shook her head. “I thought I’d take an Uber to Brandy’s apartment. I’ll stay there tonight and deal with Jeremy living in my place tomorrow.

“No need to take an Uber when I have my car. Where does Brandy live?”

She was about to answer when she caught sight of a man with her name on a sign. “Apparently, someone in my family sent a driver.” She waved at the man and he made his way over.

“I see,” Dex said.

Did he sound disappointed or had he offered the ride out of obligation and was relieved to be rid of her? It hadn’t slipped her mind that the turbulence had ended their serious conversation about him being the one to end their two kisses. For that she was grateful.

“I’m sure we both know who sent the driver. Since Asher is aware of the flight plan, he probably called Ian.”

Silence descended and their eyes locked, the tension between them palpable. This was going to be an awkward goodbye unless she took charge.

“Thank you,” she said softly.

His brows drew together. “For?”

He’d let his facial hair grow in on the island and he was so damn sexy with the beard. She wondered if he’d keep it and realized she’d probably find out when she turned on the sports network for a football game. The thought of not seeing him again made her sad.

“For not hitting me with your car?” She forced out a laugh. “No, seriously. For picking up a runaway bride and taking her far away from her disastrous non-wedding.”

She felt his smile in her belly… and lower.

“I can honestly say it was my pleasure.” His gruff voice didn’t help the spinning in her stomach that had everything to do with Dex.

Reaching out, she clasped his hand in hers. “You’re a stand-up guy, Dex Sterling. Thanks again.” She stepped closer, rose onto her tiptoes, and pressed a long kiss on his cheek, lingering because she wasn’t ready to part ways and he smelled so good.

His hands rested on her waist. “And you’re someone worth knowing, Samantha Dare. Don’t ever settle. You deserve a man worthy of you. Someone who will give you the world on a silver platter.”

She smiled sadly because that man wouldn’t be him.

Chapter Eight

After leaving Samantha in the hands of the driver her brother had sent, Dex texted his parents and siblings to let them know he was home. They were such a big group, the family chat made sure he didn’t leave anyone out. Remy had suggested they come to his bar for dinner and everyone agreed. The timing gave Dex a chance to go home for some much-needed processing, considering he’d left for the Bahamas on such short notice.

While there, he showered, changed, and even hung up Samantha’s wedding dress in a spare closet. In case she decided she wanted the garment one day. Though he didn’t like thinking of her wearing a wedding gown for another man. And that thought shook him up more than he cared to admit.

Later, he was the first to arrive at The Back Door, if he didn’t count Remy, who owned the place, and said hello to the staff he knew well before sitting down at the table reserved for the family. Soon, everyone joined him and their loud meal began.

They’d finished dinner and dessert, and no one seemed in any rush to separate and head home. Banter and chatter went on around him but Dex couldn’t concentrate on anything but thinking about Samantha. How was she doing now that she was back in New York? How would she handle the douchebag who’d used her? Personally, Dex would like to wring his neck for making her cry and embarrassing her in front of the people who mattered to her.

Dex had no doubt he’d be hearing from her brother for his opinion. Not that Dex would tell Ian anything about Samantha that felt private. Ian might be his friend, but he couldn’t help but feel his loyalty was to Samantha.

“Earth to Dex. Where are you?” Remy asked from the seat beside him.

“Still in the Bahamas with his ex-boss’s sister,” Fallon said, a teasing glint in her eyes.

“Why didn’t you bring your bride to meet us?” Remy asked.

“Behave!” Raven, Remy’s wife, said. They’d gotten engaged six months ago and married a short month later. The event included the Sterlings, a few people from work, including Zach Dare and his wife, Hadley, Raven’s brother, and Caleb and his son, Owen—the only family Raven acknowledged. She’d been through hell, come out the other side, and didn’t want to look back.

Dex glanced at Remy and rolled his eyes. “You know the real story about how I ended up in the Bahamas with Samantha, so cut it out.”

But a part of him wondered how Samantha would get along with his rowdy group of relatives. Knowing she’d come from an even larger group of siblings, she’d probably fit in fine, then he’d reminded himself there was no reason to give that question any thought.

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