Page 27 of Winterland Daddies

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"I guess so," she wailed, from behind her hands. "I didn't think about it. I'm sorry."

The brokenness in her voice finally broke through my shock and brought me back down to earth. Clumsily, I stumbled over to the bed and pulled her shaking body against me. "Oh, little one. What have you got to be sorry for, Merry?"

"Everything," she sobbed into my shirt.

"Nothing," I corrected gently, pulling her away and prying her hands from her tear-stained face. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Do you hear me? Nothing. Blake and I, on the other hand, well, we should have done better. In all of it, even the way I handled myself just now. I was just shocked and angry with myself. I wanted better for you than that, and to know I was the one who mucked it up broke my heart, little one. It killed me."

"But, but, I wanted you to be my first," she whispered softly. It was a confession meant for my ears and mine alone. One that nearly brought a tear to my eye with its simple sincerity.

"I wanted that, too, little one. But had I known, I would have made it better."

"It was with you, so it was perfect," she whispered back, wiping the last of her tears.

"Next time will be," I promised. Then I remembered that her virginity wasn't the only issue on the table. "What if you're pregnant?"

Merry's smile was weak. "What's that you always say, let's not borrow trouble?"

I laughed, the way I always did when she threw my own words back in my face, but on the inside, I wasn't laughing. I was picturing her, here on the ranch, where she belonged, her belly swollen with child. My child. Suddenly, it was all I wanted most in this world. My throat was thick when I nodded. "Fair enough, little one. Let's not. We'll cross that bridge, if it comes." We stared into each other's eyes wordlessly, and I knew we were both picturing the same things. At least, I hoped we were.

The clearing of Blake's throat forced us out of our reverie. "This has been a very interesting turn of events and all, but we were in the middle of a discipline session, and it's my turn. I will be very cranky if I don't get my turn, and I don't think you want a cranky Dom, baby girl.

Merry startled, shaking her head emphatically. "No, Sir."

Blake crossed the room and sat on the bed. Motioning for me to move, he patted his thigh. "Over my knee, baby girl. You still have a debt to pay."

Biting her lip, Merry slowly and carefully draped herself across Blake's lap while I watched from the spot he had just occupied.

"It turns out, Doms don't much care for their subs engaging in dangerous behavior, either. What do you have to say for yourself, baby girl?"

"Nothing, Sir. I'm sorry."

He growled. "You're gonna be."

Blake had huge hands. One smack from his flat paddle-like palm reddened an entire cheek and made a sound that echoed through the room like thunder. I settled in, watching with interest. Blake and I had very different punishment styles, and I loved watching a naughty bottom quiver under his punishing blows. Especially when that naughty bottom was Merry's.

His hand fell hard and fast with a rhythm that was without cadence, leaving every inch of skin a dark and mottled red. When she began to panic, kicking her legs and throwing her arms back to cover herself, he locked her legs underneath his own and held both of her hands with only one of his, pinning them at the small of her back, rendering her effectively immobile.

"Take your spanking, baby girl. It's not going to end until I'm sure you've learned your lesson." His growl was low and smooth, next to her ear, and I watched to see what her response would be. The skin on her bottom was flaming red and looked like it would be hot to the touch. Her hair was mussed, and her face tear stained, but her body language told a story of resentment and stubbornness. She was far from done. I could see it, and Blake, too, as was evidenced by the next barrage of swats, which fell fast and hard against her tender sit spots. I watched her face and the straight curve of her spine, waiting for her to break, knowing that he would not stop until she had. This was a hard lesson to impart but an important one. Safety matters were always treated with swift and severe punishment. This time was no different. I could see a thin sheen of sweat on her face, as I watched her tender crease and the tops of her thighs redden under Blake's hand, until they were the same mottled shade of red as her bottom. She was a stubborn one, my little girl. I was getting antsy, itching to step in and put a stop to the whole thing, convinced now, more than ever, that something was wrong, when it finally happened. Her whole body sagged across his lap, and the silent tears turned to loud wracking sobs, interspersed between desperate wails of apology. I breathed a deep sigh of relief, when Blake's hand finally rested across her flaming cheeks. And waited.

He dropped her hands from his grasp and began rubbing small circles on the small of her back, whispering in hushed tones. I couldn't hear what he said, could only see the bobbing of her head as she nodded her agreement. I watched as the sobs subsided into soft mewls of pain. Finally, Blake offered his hand and helped her stand, pulling her to face him, between his knees.

"Are you going to do better in the future, baby girl? Do you understand that, if you put yourself in a dangerous position again, today's punishment will seem like a walk in the park?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good." Blake nodded, and I smiled, as he looked at a loss. Not jumping straight into the sexual side after a punishment had him well out of his comfort zone, but after her earlier revelation, it was out of the question for this time. He cleared his throat. "Give me a hug and go hug Daddy, too. He looks like he needs it. And then, go to your room and wash up. Nan's soaps are about over, and she's going to be all over you about those cookies."

Giggling softly, Merry stepped into his arms.

As she stepped out, Blake's promise echoed through the room. "And tonight, after dinner, baby girl, you will get your just reward."

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