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I roll my lips, unable to see him through teary eyes.“I know you would. And I know you’ve lied to me, but I also know you’re trying to protect me, unlike Andrew. I want to believe you’re the good guy, Julian; you just keep getting the short end of the stick.”

His chest sags with relief.“I've made mistakes, but I’m going to fix them. If you’ll let me.”

I nod.“You have to be honest with me. I can’t handle more lies or manipulation.”

“I will be.”

I inhale and hold it.“What if Andrew and his dad get away with it? They have money and power; they could pay off the judge or—”

Julian shakes his head.“Pumpkin, the world is full of colors, some you have never seen before. Some shades I don’t ever want you to see. The Sinclairs pissed off some very dangerous people. They will never be free again. Everything you see publicly is just that, a circus, a show, to ruin their name. Behind the curtain, they are done. They will spend the rest of their lives in a cell.”

I allow myself to believe in the possibility of a future unchained from the past, where the Sinclairs are nothing more than a distant memory.

I wrap my hands around the warmth of my coffee mug.“Tell me how Theo is involved in all of this.”

Julian's index finger plays with the handle of his coffee cup. "Ok, but know I love you."

"Don't play dirty. Just be honest with me. How does your brother relate to everything? What did Andrew mean when he mentioned Theo had a hand in my apartment and my job?” I slump back in my chair to brace myself.

“I’ll start at the beginning. I was shot and forced to retire to become the CEO.” His jaw tightens.“While I was recovering, my dad and brothers handled everything behind the scenes. Kent set up my apartment. I owned it but never lived in it before. It was an investment property. Kent had no idea what Theo was planning. Theo was handling the business side of things along with my dad. Theo picked out a new secretary for me. I had no idea when I saw you on move-in day that you were going to be working for me.” He snorts,“I think that’s why Theo didn’t come that day to help me move in. He had a last-minute project at work. Figures.” Julian shakes his head.

“When you walked into my office, I was,” he shakes his head again.“I was shocked, on guard, to be honest, but also happy. I looked forward to waking up every morning just to see your face across the hall, and then I realized I was going to be able to see you at work. It was the first time I was excited about my job.”

A smile traces my lips.

“The real shock was after you left the office that first day. Theo pulled me aside and told me something.” He places his elbow on the table.“You have to understand, when Theo left boarding school for college, he changed in ways I still can’t understand,” his hand raises as he rubs his jaw, his eyes looking so lost I'm tempted to tell him to stop,“but he’s still my brother. I was torn that day. I could be honest with you and tell you what Theo did, or I could protect my brother. I chose my brother over you, Poppy. It was selfish, but if I could go back,” grey eyes lock onto mine,“I’d want to make the same decision again because it granted me more time with you.”

My heart thumps a little faster, but my brain tells me to remain frozen and just listen.

"What did Theo do?” I ask. Why do my toes feel tingly? Why does fear come in so many forms?

Julian hesitates, and then the words tumble out like a snowball; they continue to grow as they roll down the hill.“He set up your new job, ensured you would be my secretary, and even paid off your realtor to make sure you’d choose the penthouse across from me.”

I gasp. Hearing and seeing force me to believe the truth now.

Andrew was right. He was telling the truth. A monster spoke the truth. It happens, but it only comes forth for calculated reasons. Andrew wanted me to return to him; he admitted it so many years ago. He’s trying to form a divide in the trust I have in Julian.

I won’t let Andrew win.

I grip the seat of my chair, feeling off balance.

"So your brother watched me, played God with my life, and you didn’t think to tell me."

He hangs his head.“I didn’t want to lose you. I told Theo to back off. I hoped in time I’d find the right time to tell you. Turns out there is no right time to say,‘Hey, my brother invaded your privacy, but, um, date me?”

Looking away from him. I exhale and close my eyes. "I’m upset with you, furious...but,” I pause; I can feel his eyes on me, and I imagine they are filled with hope and clouded with fear,“but I still love you, Julian. I...I want to think you were a victim in this, too. You were put in a corner and chose a path to escape it. That path led us to fall in love.” I open my eyes and look at him.“And I’m so happy I found you, but I can’t have you lying to me to protect your brothers. Not ever again.”

“I won’t.” He reaches across the table and grasps my hands in his.

“Why did Theo do it?”

“He was asked to keep an eye on you.”

This is bizarre.“That doesn’t make him innocent.” I snap.

“I didn’t say it did.”

"What is it about me that has people wanting to invade my life? Do I need to call up Bravo and tell them I'd be a hit reality show?" I hiss.

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