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"Kent, seriously," she giggles.

"What’s so funny?" I question, pushing up on my elbows. I look down at my body; it’s a work of art. I don’t get it.

"Hero?" Harper says as she sits up, her face slightly pink from her giggles, her full breasts still in her lace bra. I want to reach over and rip it off, then fuck her again and ask her if she can still laugh.

"I’m trying to find your line, you sex-crazed idiot." she finally says.

"My what?"

"Your line." She reaches out and runs her index finger down my chest. "Where will you draw it? How much crazy is too much." She giggles, "Did you seriously think I was acting normal?"

"You never act normal."

She shakes her head, and then it clicks. She is still trying to push me away, trying to fuck this up, make me scared or too tired. She’s trying to act crazy in hopes I’ll give up on her. I dated a chick once that made me watch that movie about a woman who acted crazy in order to get the guy to dump her. I can't remember the name; it's something about dating and getting a guy to dump you in a matter of days.

I’ve never had a problem finding women; in fact, getting them to leave has always been the issue. Figures the one woman I don’t want to leave my bed continues trying to. Eventually, Harper will run out of ideas like the girl in the movie did.

I have to admit, this was a good one; I really thought there was a part of her that was clinically insane.

I reach out and flip her on her back; her eyes widen with lust as she sinks into my mattress. I got the new mattress just for her.

"You’re attracted to crazy, then?" she giggles.“Next time, I’ll just act like a nun; maybe that will push you away,” she jokes.

"I’m up for playing nun and priest." I bend down, catching the edge of her bra between my teeth as I lower it, then suck on her nipple. Her laughter turns into a moan, and it's like a bolt of energy to my cock.

I begin to make love to her then, slowly, so slow she’s panting and breathless by the time I sink deep inside of her.

I know she’s going to run; she’s like a wild stallion; it’s in her nature. I could try to trap her, tame her, but that might break her. Therefore, I just have to allow her to run and show her that no matter how far and fast she tries to escape me, I’m never going to stop running after her. She might think I’m chasing her; eventually, she’ll discover the truth. I’m not going to chase her; I’m going to learn to run alongside her.

Chapter 26


“I fucked Kent well, making him call me his hero, and then told him one time we’d role-play nun and priest,” Harper says as nonchalantly as a nun would confess her sins or lack thereof.

The coffee I just drank now acts as my own personal Neti pot; hot liquid spews out of my nose and burns like acid through my nostrils.

“Jesus, Harper. Warn a girl, would you?” I hiss as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, the remnants of coffee clinging like unwanted memories.“Coffee just erupted from places it shouldn’t,” I grumble, my wide eyes darting around, thankful we’re having this conversation over the phone and within the fortress-like walls of my office.

In a hurry, I scramble for napkins to address the aftermath of my surprise, but alas, none are in sight. Desperation leads me to grab my adorable new notepad, tearing off sheets in an attempt to soak up the caffeinated spill. Great, now my once clean desk looks like a scatterbrain's wet dream.

I glance at the doors to Julian’s office, then look at the clock; his meeting should last for twenty more minutes. I decided just to have lunch at my desk so I could multitask. I have to go over the contract Legal sent to us after the successful meeting with the Secretary of Defense in D.C. before I send it off to Julian for review and signature. Julian landed a deal with more zeros than I care to admit. I was blissfully unaware that the weapon trade could make Silicon Valley's darlings look like lemonade stand entrepreneurs or that it dwarfed the GDP of some countries, making them seem like they're running a garage sale in comparison. No wonder buying another private jet for the company was like grabbing another jug of milk at the grocery store. Sterling Defense is loaded.

As soon as I flipped open the contract and pressed my brand-new‘sign here’sticky on the line, Harper called me. Since I was on my lunch break, I took the call.

“I’m seriously concerned about the kinks of your sex life, Harper. Do I want to know what nun and priest entails because it sounds more like a horror flick than a porno?” I joke.

“No,” Harper sighs,“I can’t shake Kent, Poppy; I give him crazy, and he eats it up.”

I grab the mess of notes now soaked with coffee, ball them up, and throw them in the trash.“So stop trying to shake him,” I tell her, knowing deep down she doesn’t want to. She wants Kent to end it so she can blame him and use it as her excuse for never having a relationship again.

I sigh and walk back to my chair.“Just be yourself,” I suggest as I sit.

She snorts but then hesitates.“Actually, that might be the trick to getting him to tell me to‘fuck off,’” she mutters.

“How was New York?” She’s changing the subject.

“Well,” I begin, smiling as I look at the door to Julian’s office.“We talked about rings.”

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