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“So, what happened next?” Levi leans in, his whole body angled towards us, elbows digging into the table, eager for the climax of our culinary catastrophe.

“Well, fortune favors the bold—or at least the prepared,” I say.“Thankfully, we had a fire extinguisher at the ready. Crisis averted.”

Harper points her finger in the air,“Try and try again until you succeed, Levi.”

Just then, Levi's phone buzzes—a sharp, insistent vibration that slices through our laughter like a knife. He glances at the screen, and a subtle shadow of resignation flits across his face.“Duty calls,” he sighs, pushing back his chair with a reluctant smile.“This has been... enlightening, but I've got to head back.”

Harper leans forward, her voice warm with genuine fondness.“It was nice meeting you, Levi,” she says, her smile reaching her eyes, which sparkle with the mischief.

Levi grins,“Yeah, you too,” he responds.

“I'll see you in a few,” I tell him, giving a casual wave goodbye. The moment he turns his back, I shake my head at Harper, an exaggerated gesture that fills the space Levi leaves behind.

Harper, unfazed, spreads her hands in a gesture that encompasses the whole of the cafeteria as if to include everyone in her defense.“Oh, don't give me that look. The kid laughed. Laughing at work is a good thing,” she claims.

“Jesus, between the sexual comments and encouraging him to start an oil fire, you're a walking, talking HR violation, Harper,” I retort, my tone half-serious, half-amused.

Kent, leaning back, lets out a playful snort, his laughter mingling with the sounds of the cafeteria—the distant clatter of dishes, the murmur of conversations around us.“Luckily, I know the head of HR. You can join me at work anytime, Siren,” he teases, winking at Harper.

"After today, Talia will be lucky if Levi dares even to open an oven." Grabbing the creamer, a grin spreads across my face—it's pumpkin spice flavored. I'm certain this is Julian's doing. No ordinary work cafeteria stocks this by chance.

Harper catches sight of the creamer's label. "Lord help me, your obsession with seasonal spice has infected this place," she jests, elbowing Kent. "You've got to put an end to this. It's like enabling an addict," she says, nodding towards the coffee creamer with mock seriousness.

"I'll see what I can do," Kent replies, his grin wide before he plants a swift kiss on her cheek.

She rolls her eyes, feigning annoyance, but the blush on her cheeks doesn't escape my notice.

"I've got to head back to work, Siren. Catch you later," he says, earning another eye roll from Harper as he smirks and walks away.

"What's with this 'Siren' business? Do I even want to know? Please don't tell me you're into some mermaid fetish," I tease.

Harper snorts with laughter. "I told you, I attract psychos. Kent's just the latest," she says.

Securing the lid on my coffee until it clicks, I add, "Some of the dating advice you gave Levi before Kent showed up could get you arrested in certain states.”

She presses her lips together, feigning regret. "Darn. I should have waited until Kent showed up. Might finally manage to scare him off."

We both giggle into our cups, but then, from the corner of my eye, I sense a presence. The authoritative steps of shoes that command attention. CEO Julian Sterling is striding into the cafeteria looking so handsome that my thighs clench, and I'm not sure how gravity doesn't manage to pull me down so I can crawl to him.

Julian commands any room he enters, but in a suit, it's simple—people are mesmerized by his presence.

I can't help but grin. He's mine.

Then I catch sight of his face, which is usually so reassuring. Lowering my coffee cup, I feel a tremble in my fingers.

Something is definitely wrong.

Chapter 19


When is it right to think, 'Okay, this is not my fault. I had nothing to do with this?'

I can't help but feel partially responsible for Kimberly Prescott's death. Did I physically contribute to it? No. Could I have warned her about who Andrew really was? Yes. Am I guilty by association for not sharing evidence with Kimberly?

"You're not saying anything. I need you to speak," Harper implores, "That, or vomit all over again. This standing still like a ghost—it's… Just say something, please." Her shadow steps closer to me.

Julian came and gathered Kent, Harper, and me to share the shocking news. He explained what happened to Kimberly Prescott's family plane.

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