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His hand reaches out and grabs mine, halting me from entering the conference room.“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Theo ask. My oldest brother looks tired, and shit, he’s even got a few grey streaks in his dark hair. I run my hand through my own, wondering if Poppy sees any grey hairs.

“Don’t tell me this meeting is going to be a bust. We need that system to work. I have to present the numbers to the Secretary General in a few days.”

Theo shakes his head,“It’s got nothing to do with the meeting.” He nudges his head, and we walk towards the end of the hallway.“It’s personal,” he mutters.

“I called you four times. You haven’t called back.”

“I’ve been busy,” I reply. I have been, but that doesn’t stop the guilt.“I’m sorry. I figured I’d see you at the office.”

“Yeah, you’ve been busy with Uncle Dan and his men covering your ass like it’s the next coming of Christ. What the fuck is going on?” Theo leans closer, standing taller, trying to make me feel like I’m a boy forced to listen to the older sibling.“Seriously,” Theo presses,“Kent won’t even tell me, and you know he’s always willing to gossip.”

“Tell me,” I cross my arms,“is your curiosity because you're my brother or a mole for your friend?” I snap.

Theo's jaw clenches,“I toldhimyou were dating Poppy. I haven’t told him anything else.”

Bullshit. I snort,“Are you expecting a thank you?”

Am I pissed that my oldest brother made a new family when he went to college, a family that kept him away from Kent and me and got his ass in hot water? Yeah, I’m furious…and jealous. I hate knowing Theo considers other people his brothers, but more than that, I hate that he’s willing to risk so much for them. Like his morals when he helped hisfriendset up and plot out Poppy’s new life all so he could watch her and send reports of her back to this person.

I hate that I got roped into the lies, and I loathe myself because I still haven’t told Poppy that someone else was watching her.

“No, stop being a dick. I’m coming to you as your older brother who is concerned.” Theo puffs out his chest.

Maybe that was rude of me. Do I want to build the bridge between Theo and me? Yeah, but sometimes the memory of what he did to Poppy, how he orchestrated her life, well, that pisses me off. A lot.

I grab the back of my neck and squeeze the muscles. Hard. I haven’t told Theo about what’s been going on with Poppy and her ex. There’s a reason why I ordered Uncle Dan and Kent not to say a word to Theo. I don’t need word getting back to Poppy that someone else besides Andrew has been watching her. Just because Theo talked tohimdoesn’t mean he has stopped reporting Poppy’s actions. I’m not a fucking fool.

“I’ve got it handled. It’s got nothing to do with the business,” I assure Theo.

“It has to do with you. You are my business,” Theo growls. Shit, he sounds just like Dad.

“Theo, back off and let me sort my life out.”

He steps closer. I glance down the hall, making sure it’s still empty. Should I punch him?You’re wearing a suit; you're the CEO, not the younger brother.

“So you can tell Uncle Dan and Kent but not me?” Theo barks.“I thought you wanted to make us all whole again.”

“I am, but that doesn’t mean you get the same privileges you once had. You shoved me in a goddamn corner,” I look left to right. Literally, I’m in one,“You made me lie to the woman I love.” I lean closer, nose to nose,“I still have to fucking lie because of what you did.”

“I paid a debt.”

“Which affected me,” my voice raises.

“I didn’t expect you to fall for her,” Theo snaps. We're both trembling when we hear shoes coming down the hall.

“Hi, Mr. Sterling and Mr. Sterling,” a cheerful voice says.

Theo glances first,“Hi, Brenda. I’ll be right in.” She smiles and enters the conference room.

“I just want to know you’re safe,” Theo exhales.“Why the fuck is Uncle Dan here, and why does he have an entire team covering you and Poppy still?”

“If I tell you, I can’t guarantee you won’t go running back to your friend, which would be another invasion of Poppy’s privacy. That, and it’s not my story to tell.”

“So it has to do with Poppy.” Fuck, he connected those dots fast.“Something is going on with her.”

I shake my head. I said too much. I want my big brother back. I just can’t trust him.

“Jay,” Theo’s grip tightens on my forearms.“Please.”

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