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Julian: No, she is handling it…as you’d expect.

Kent: So, a new level of insane woman?

Julian: That’s not funny.

Kent: I know, but I tried. Seriously, how is she holding up?

Julian: She’s got her ups and downs. I want to find her a shrink. I think she should talk to someone.

Kent: That’s not a bad idea.

Julian: I’m shit at talking. I just keep thinking if I make love to her, it will fix everything.

Kent: Bro, who the fuck says‘make love’?

Julian: Why do I bother talking to you?

Kent: Because I give the best advice. Duh! Just put your dick away and talk to her. Women like to talk.

Julian: I’ve tried, but it’s hard.

Kent: Is it literally hard right now? Two hands, bro. Some jerking and lube can fix that. You and Theo taught me that.

Julian: Goodbye.

Kent: NO, wait! I’ll be serious.

Julian: Impossible.

Kent: *Praying hands emoji.*

Julian: When’s the last time you tabled sex to have an actual discussion?

Kent: Tabled sex? Have you seen my dick? It’s the best form of therapy. Wanna dick pic?

Julian: If you send me a dick pic, I’ll fire you.

Julian: You’re such an idiot.

Kent: Genius is often overlooked and misinterpreted.


“Remind me never to start my morning off by engaging in a text conversation with Kent. I thought speaking to him in person was bad, but his texts reached a whole new level.” I shout to Theo, who iswaiting outside of the conference room door, and shake my head. "The fact that you and I raised Kent should jail us both."

Theo chuckles. "What'd he do now?"

"Have you ever texted with him? Like, tried to have a serious conversation?"

Theo snorts a laugh. "No. That’s like asking the impossible to happen. Kent can’t be serious."

I roll my eyes. "We should get vasectomies. Make sure we're never able to raise a kid again," I say it as a joke, but it lands sour in my mouth. Kids. I want them... with Poppy. I never thought about it, but now I am. I imagine if we had a son with her freckles and brownish-red hair.

Fuck! I’d need to do better. Raising Kent was my trial run, and I royally fucked up. I can’t actually raise my kids how I did Kent.

"You okay?" Theo asks.

I nod. "Let’s get this meeting over with."

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