Page 105 of Truth or Dare

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“Everything’s not okay,” I said simply because it was obvious and therefore it’d be silly of me to ask, “Is everything okay?” What was not obvious was why but what was kind of obvious to me was that he probably wasn’t filling me in because it was bad. Real bad. But it wasn’t me to demand answers, at least not anymore.

“No, my baby. It’s not. I’ll fill you in later. No stress, though. I’ve got you.”

Uh oh. Me of two years ago would’ve demanded answers. Me of today just sat and stared straight ahead. I felt his palm on my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into it. It always brought my anxiety levels down when he did that and I think he knew it too, because he often did that, ever since the second day he was in Thailand.

We pulled into an industrial plaza marked as ‘mini storage’ up beside a blue pickup truck. Dare got out of his SUV and approached the truck. I saw him talking to someone who handed him something. They talked for a minute or two and then Dare approached an orange garage door and unlocked a padlock on it, hauled the door half way up, then went inside. The blue pickup truck stayed put. I started to feel vulnerable. Out of Dare’s sight out in public, someone could swoop in. I hit the lock button on the door to lock all four doors. Roxanne by The Police came on the radio. Oh, the irony.

A moment later, Dare came out with a black backpack, spoke into the window of the blue pickup for a moment, and then returned to his SUV and went to get in. I unfroze as he jerked his chin at me to get me to unlock the door. He got in but said nothing. As we pulled away, I saw the blue pickup truck leaving. It was Eddy. We were back on the road.

I climbed into bed, rolled Tia onto her side, curled against her back and then put my lips to her head. My arm was around her. She stretched and then lifted my hand and sleepily asked, “What happened? Your knuckles are all bruised.”

“Mm,” I grunted, surprised she hadn’t noticed on the drive up.

“What’d you do?”

“Mm.” I closed my eyes. She rolled to face me.

“Don’t Mm me. What happened?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Husband?” She poked my chest.

I smirked and kissed her nose. “Shh. Let me sleep, wife. You wore me out.” I gave her ass a swat.

She snuggled in. We slept for a while and then my phone was making noise again, waking us, so I grabbed it.

There was a text from Zack.

Talk to your brother?

I replied.

Not yet today.

Where are you?


Good. Stay there if poss. Check your messages from Dario then call me. Btw, in addition to what’s going down with Dario (Thai drama) cops are looking for you.


Nick Gordon is in hospital. Told cops you beat the snot out of him at 4:00 this morn.

Thx. I’ll deal when we’re back.

Call me after you chk msgs with your bro on conference. We need to talk.

I wasn’t sure how Zack knew that the cops were looking for me. But he regularly proved he was worth his hefty retainer.

When I woke up from a nightmare last night, a nightmare that Tia was gone, that the punk had kidnapped her, I got into my car and drove to the punk’s apartment, busted down his door and hauled him out of his bed so I could bust his face. Then I came back and crawled into bed beside my wife and slept for three hours before waking her up to drive here.

I texted Dex.

Nick Gordon, Tia’s ex, is in the hospital after getting a much-deserved beating. He needs to drop the charges. Bring Tino with you.

Twenty seconds later Dex replied to say he was on it.

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