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“Anytime, Carson. That’s what families do,” she says with a teasing grin, “Besides, handling marketing and publicity is what you pay me for.” Kat stands and walks to the door, then she turns. “One final question, Carson. Forgive me for prying, but what about Anna?”

I cock an eyebrow at her, “What do you mean? I’m not sure what you’re asking?”

Kat bites her lip, then states carefully, as she searches for the right words, “If we’re going to be introducing your son,” she begins, her voice softer than usual, “it might also be a good opportunity to clarify your intentions or relationship with…” she faltered for a moment, “Connor’s mother.”

I frown at her words. “I would rather leave Anna out of this,” I say, my voice hardening. Let’s focus solely on my son.”

Kat’s eyes widen at my harsh tone, her glance filled with silent questions, “Understood. I’ll get those interviews scheduled… if you should change your mind—“

“I won’t,” I say in a chipped voice.

Kat nods slowly, her expression unreadable for a moment. “Absolutely,” she finally says, her voice regaining its usual professionalism. “Just making sure all our bases are covered. I’m on it, Carson.”

I try to shake off the pang of guilt that washes over me as Kat leaves my office. But right now, I need to make arrangements for Connor to accompany me over the next month. I buzz Suzanne, “Could you come into my office and bring my schedule for the next sixty days?”

I leave work early and stride eagerly into the apartment. “Anna? Connor? Anybody home?” My voice raised.

They each jump up from their spots in the living room, their faces mirroring each other’s curiosity. Smiles tug at the corners of their lips, hesitant yet curious as they approach. My throat tightens as I reach out, holding the manila envelope like a precious treasure.

Anna’s smile falters for a breath before blossoming into a radiant grin. With a trembling hand, she takes the envelope and reads the updated birth certificate. A soft gasp escapes her lips as she looks from Connor to me, and her eyes well up, threatening to spill over.

Ignoring the sudden lump in my throat, I kneel before Connor. My hands land on his small shoulders, and his gaze meets mine, wide and searching. I try to speak firmly, but my voice betrays me, a tremor underlying the words, “You’re officially part of the Knight family now, Connor Carlton Knight.”

The fierce hug that follows steals my breath. I hold him close, the warmth of his small body a comfort. When I finally release him, his face is flushed, a suspicious glint in his wet eyes. “I’m a Knight now!” he declares, his voice thick with a newfound pride.

Suddenly, he turns into a whirlwind of excited energy, bouncing around the living room with unleashed enthusiasm. He continues his antics until I say loudly, “Let’s celebrate! Where do you want to go, Connor?”

He skids to a halt in front of me, his eyes shining. “Main Event!” He blurts out, a grin plastered across his face. “They have laser tag!”

My wide grin mirrors his. “Main Event it is, then,” I chuckle, ruffling his hair. As I pull him into one last squeeze, my eyes meet Anna’s over his head. Her gaze holds a loving tenderness that sends a wave of intense emotion through me. Overwhelmed with the rush of feelings, I reach out an arm, silently inviting her into our hug.

A watery smile graces her lips, and she sinks down beside me. We hold each other close in a warm embrace, sharing a silent yet poignant moment of joy.

The Main Event is a huge arcade-type building that houses laser tag, bowling lanes, and more games than I’ve seen before.

We follow Connor as he’s a blur of energy, ricocheting from one game to the next. The reward tickets pour out of the machines in a triumphant clang. He collects them carefully, already searching for the next challenge.

Connor and I play our first game of laser tag. It’s a battlefield as I dive behind a neon-lit pillar. Connor launches his attacks, a gleeful shriek escaping his lips. The kid’s good, I grin with pride. Anna meanwhile opted to play skeet ball, adding to Connor’s growing pile of tickets.

We head to the dining area and order our dinner. Anna gets iced tea while I order a draft beer. After the first bite of my cheeseburger, I look up, and my surprise is evident. “Wow, this is actually pretty good,” I admit before taking another savory mouthful.

Anna’s lips curve into a knowing smile. She leans in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s a far cry from Chucky Cheese,” she confides, “that used to be his go-to celebration spot.”

I shudder, just thinking of greasy pizza and sticky floors. “Let’s just say,” I deadpan, “I’m starting to appreciate this place a whole lot more. We both watch with a touch of amusement as Connor hurriedly gulps down his food, not wanting to miss a minute of fun.

As the night draws to an end, Connor again heads toward the laser tag section, wanting to squeeze in one more game. Anna agrees to join us this time.

As they gear us up and explain the rules, I glance at Anna. She has her long chestnut hair tied up in a high ponytail. She’s wearing curve-hugging jeans and a halter top that shows off the bronze glow of her shoulders. The excitement that shines from her eyes makes her look younger than her age. She holds the laser in her hands like a pro.

Connor and I are on the same team this time, and she’s on the opposing team. We’re with a larger group of teenagers, and we all look eager to start. As we enter the darkened space, the neon structures glow in the black lighting. Someone shouts, “Game on!” and we all scatter and begin shooting.

Connor stalks around, landing a few good shots. His hair falls over his eyes as he takes aim at another opponent.

I suddenly get hit and jerk my focus back to the game at hand. I try to shoot back in defense, but my laser has to recharge when I’m hit again. I look up, already planning my retaliation, as I see Anna shielded behind a neon-bright window.

I duck and maneuver until I’m coming up behind her. Then, I strategically take my shot. It hits her, and her vest flashes as her laser has to recharge. As I go to set up the next shot, in a surprisingly agile move, she ducks behind a form and disappears. I advance steadily. I see others on her team, but I ignore them as I evade their lasers. I’m on the hunt for Anna.

I spot Connor as he raises his arm in a triumphant gesture and lets up a whoop after taking down another opponent. Then I spy Anna. She’s got her back to a wall, and she’s glancing over her shoulder at someone on my team. As she’s solely focused on aiming, I silently approach her.

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