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“Mom! This is great! I love cherries!” While Carson states, less vocally but with obvious appreciation, “Damn. This is delicious, Anna.”

I do a mock curtsy, “Thank you. It’s called Cherry Delight. Graham cracker crust, cream cheese filling, and cherries.” I tick off the ingredients as they dig in. “It’s been quite a while since I made this. In fact, the last time I made this, I was…” My words suddenly trail off, and they both look at me with identically raised eyebrows. I shrug, “Sorry. I… lost my train of thought. It’s been so long that I don’t remember when I last made this dessert.” I say with a self-deprecating grimace and a shrug.

Connor pipes up, “Dad, can we watch the movie now?” Carson hits the play button, and I sit back as the action movie scrolls across the screen, but my mind is elsewhere.



The manila envelope feels almost heavy in my hands, its weight far exceeding the few sheets of paper it contains. My fingers trace the embossed lettering of my lawyer’s firm, a wave of satisfaction running through me as I contemplate the contents within.

With a deep breath, I open the envelope with an equal mixture of anticipation and relief. A satisfied smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I scan the contents.

Inside is Connor’s updated birth certificate, and I couldn’t feel more pleased and proud.

My lawyer handled filing the petition to establish paternity and Connor’s name change. It took a while, but now, legally, Connor is recognized as my son and bears my name.

I lean back in my chair and rub my chin. Now, how do we publicly announce this? While I want to shout it from the rooftops, I probably need a more dignified way to get the word out. I pick up the phone and buzz Kat. “Kat, do you have time to drop by my office this afternoon?”

“Of course, Carson. I’m free right now if that works?”

“That works perfectly. Thank you.”

I buzz Suzanne, “I’m expecting Kat for a brief meeting. Can you send her in when she arrives?

“Certainly. Do you want me to bring in any refreshments?” Suzanne, who is always efficient, asks me.

“Iced tea would be nice. Thanks, Suzanne.”

I look up with a smile when Kat walks in. “Hi, thanks for meeting me on such short notice.”

She gives me a curious look as she takes a seat in front of my desk. I hand her the manilla envelope as Suzanne arrives with the glasses of iced tea and sets them down. “Thank you,” I murmur before my admin closes the door behind her.

I take a sip of the tea as I watch her intently, searching for a reaction as she unfolds the document. A bright smile blooms on her face, and she looks up at me with a sparkle in her eyes. “Congratulations, Carson. It’s now official.”

I nod and say with a hopeful look, “Yes. I was hoping you might have a few suggestions for the best way to announce that I have a son.”

Kat nods thoughtfully, and I can tell she’s already mulling over a few options in her head. “I have a few questions. Do you want to announce it, go big and splashy publicly? Or do you want to get the word out quietly?”

I frown as I consider her questions. “I would prefer to get the word out quietly.”

Her brow creases in concentration, and she drums her fingers with thought. “You’re constantly getting asked for interviews. What if we agreed to have a couple of interviews?”

Kat stands and paces as she thinks of the different options, “One with the local paper and another with a national magazine, possibly Billionaire Tech. When they ask you about your personal life, you’ll mention you have a son, Connor. That would get the news out publicly as well as locally.” She turns to me with an inquiring look.

“I like that idea,” I admit readily.

“There’s a chance this could snowball,” Kat cautions, her voice laced with concern. “This could be picked up by a gossip rag and sensationalized. But then again,” she shrugs, “they could do that anyway, regardless of these interviews.”

“True, so there’s no reason not to go forward,” I reason.

She smiles again. “I’ll set up the interviews. In the meantime, why don’t you guys go ahead with the Knight family cookout? Let your friends and the rest of the family know.”

“Sure, we can do that. Maybe later this month.” I nod.

“Also, you have that ground-breaking ceremony for the new charity. I think you should take Connor. Have him stand beside you during the photo shoot,” Kat continues, “Take him along for any community events you have scheduled.”

“Kat, thank you. These are all good suggestions.” I tell her with a sincere smile.

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