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Altieri makes his way into the gates of my house. The outside is lined with trimmed flowers of different colors. Several other cars are parked side by side with the building at the center.

He stops the car in an empty spot and Tommaso rushes down to get the door opened for me.

“I can open the door myself,” I say as I grab the handle. I open it wide, before he reaches me, and get out of the Mercedes.

The sky is dark, with no sign of stars.

I hear my father’s hoarse laughter as I walk to the front door.

My black heels hurt my feet as I walk slowly.

I take a deep sigh, holding the doorknob in my hand. It's cold, with a smooth feel on my palm. I open the door wide enough to let myself in and am welcomed by a beautiful array of light from the dangling chandelier by the entrance.

Flower vases are arranged along the sides of the white walls. Mother loved flowers. Keeping them close lets me know she is still close.

Losing her was the worst pain. Father lost himself too. Beatrice always says I remind her of our mother. But I don’t feel as strong as she was. I can’t even get myself free from my father’s hold.

Let’s not forget I almost got myself killed with another one of my stupid indulgences just to get Father mad—by his archenemy’s son, nonetheless.

I spot my elder sister by the bar as I walk into the living room. It is filled with the smell of alcohol and citrus. A combination I’ve gotten used to.

Father is seated on a single sofa on a call. His face turns into a frown as he looks at me. It takes everything in me to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

I stare at my sister instead.

She has always been the perfect child. So damn perfect, her hair is in a low, sleek bun. She attempts to make a funny face to lighten the mood.

“Aspettare (Wait), I’ll call you back,” Father says before ending the call.

One, two…

“Adriana, where have you been?” I can sense the anger in his voice.

“Elixir,” I respond, uninterested in this conversation.

“Ragazza (Girl)! How many times have I told you to stay away from that place?” Wrinkled lines form on his forehead as his voice gets even louder.

“I’m tired of having you control what I do or where I go! It’s just a bar for Christ’s sake.” I close my eyes, feeling a sting in my head.


“Not tonight, Padre,” I interrupt him mid-sentence.

His face lights up in anger.

“I can’t have it tonight. My head hurts. Goodnight, Padre (Father).”

I turn to the hallway and walk to my room, ignoring my father’s calls and choosing to skip his tireless fuss.

A hand stops my door as I try to shut it behind me. Beatrice pops her head through the space.

“You’ve managed to get Father pissed again.”

I roll my eyes as I walk to my bed. “Like he isn’t always this way.”

“I’m not letting you both ruin tonight for me,” Beatrice says. We sit on my half-made bed as I take my shoes off, kicking them to the side.

“What's happening tonight?”

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