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“Father wants to be L’Uomo and you know he’ll stop at nothing to get there. He has changed ever since Mother died. I don’t recognize him anymore,” she adds lowly.

I take deep breaths with deeper thoughts about the entire situation. A big part of me is scared of running away and the idea of starting somewhere all alone far away from Beatrice. She’s my only family left.

My head is in a mess. It makes me want some whiskey. I haven’t had any in days now.

“Can I ask for something right now?”

Beatrice shifts to get her back off the bed and looks at me.

“What’s that?”

“I miss the taste of whiskey.”

Beatrice smiles, poking my shoulder gently.

“What? It helps me forget about Father and think straight.”

“I could sneak a bottle for us.” She stands to her feet and straightens her dress with the palms of her hands.

“I should probably have a change too. I already smell like a hospital,” she grimaces before reaching for her bag in the chair beside the bed and hanging it on her shoulder.

“I’ll be back soon, Adriana,” she says with a kiss on my forehead.

“Get some rest.” She opens the door and steps out.

I sink further into my bed, troubled by the decisions I have to make soon.

Yet, somehow, I find myself thinking of Alessandro, wishing he actually showed up and, at least, acted like he cared.

A female nurse dressed in blue scrubs opens the door. She has a wheelchair with her as she rolls it into the room and shuts the door behind her.

“It’s your toilet break,” she says with a smile. She doesn’t look familiar. Or like any of the nurses that had taken care of me before.

“I’ve never seen you here before,” I blurt.

“I’m Felicity. I’m new here.”

“Oh. Nice to meet you, Felicity.”

She smiles at me as she helps me off the bed and onto the wheelchair. “Are you comfortable?”

I nod in response, tugging at the edges of the bandage on my wrist. The guard is still outside the door when Felicity wheels me out of the room. His gaze is firm on me as I leave the room.

“She has to be back in 15,” he says to the nurse. She nods a yes to him.

“Fuck off,” I retort.

The smell of the disinfected tiles and rooms leaves me nauseated as Felicity wheels me to the toilet. I spot more nurses walking around with patients as we go down the hall to the bathroom. My eyes widen as she pushes me into the room.


No fucking way.

Chapter fifteen


Adriana’s eyes burn with both anger and surprise as she stares at me.

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