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I call her name, hearing the noise in the background.

This might just be a trap to get my men and me killed. Adriana is not to be trusted, just like her father. I’ve learned trust is a risky game in this business. One wrong move and you’re clipped.

I have no damn idea why she’s trying to act like a fucking savior when all I wanted from her was to fuck her hard, both for my revenge and for my pleasure; and well… to ensure that she never forgets what a real man feels like.

This night keeps getting a lot more fucked up. The outburst of Father left me enraged. I hurt my hand punching the wall. Daniel is here with me in the warehouse, helping me to dress my wounds.

I’ve always tried to prove myself to my father but he is never pleased. Nothing I do ever pleases him.

I kill the light of my cigar on the ashtray and hastily stand to my feet.

Adriana has to be telling the truth. She’s an innocent poppy who just wants to spite her father. And if her father’s men are already on their way, we are fucking screwed. Not enough men are around to repel the attack.



I grunt, moving my wounded arm. Daniel had my knuckles wrapped with a bandage.

“Daniel!” I yell again as I walk to the door. It flies open before I reach for the knob.

“Is something wrong?” Daniel questions.

“We have to go now. Gustavo’s men are already on their way here.”

“What about the coke? We can’t just leave.”

“Adriana said they are coming with a fucking army. We need more men here.”

Daniel raises his eyebrows, confused. “Adriana? The daughter of Manny Gustavo?”

“It doesn’t fucking matter right now, Daniel.”

I walk past him to the door, leaving my office. He is behind me.

“Why should we believe her?”

I unlock the armory and flick the light switch on. The room lights come on to reveal the armory guns arranged in the wooden gun cabinets.

“She was the one who told me about his shipment too. She isn’t lying.”

I’m holding myself back from lashing out angrily at him, hoping that I am doing the right thing in trusting Adriana now.

Today has been pretty fucked up for me and Daniel’s questions don’t make it any better.

“But she could be now.”

“Just get the fucking men ready, Daniel, and stop fucking questioning me,” I bark.

“Fine. I’ll call for reinforcement while we hold them back before the others arrive.”

He walks out of the armory, leaving me alone. I grab a machine gun from one of the cabinets and slide a pistol into the back pocket of my pants.

Beppe comes rushing into the room.

“Daniel told me,” he says as he spots me by the cabinet.

“Get the men ready and let’s fucking clip these disgraziati (wretches).”

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