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I pour myself a drink into a glass, spilling a little on my office desk.

“Adriana Gustavo,” I say aloud.

Thankfully, no one is around. Daniel wouldn’t let it go if he were here.

I always had ladies throw themselves at me and I always got my way with them. But never have I remembered names. They never matter so much to me. It’s just sex, after all.

Yet, the night with Adriana intrigues me. Maybe because I had the daughter of Gustavo moaning in my arms.

She would be my prisoner right now if I knew who she was back at the bar. Her sexy body would be the only thing keeping her alive in my basement. I’d have had her pay for the sins of her father.

My men would waste no time laying their hands on her. I could have her locked in my house for days and I know for a fact that no one would be able to save her. Not even her goddamn father.

I loathe her father, Manny Gustavo, and keeping his daughter as mine would strike a nerve. I wouldn’t think twice before I pulled the trigger to have him dead. I’ve wondered why my father hasn’t done it yet. All the other mafia gangs around here respect my father, except Manny.

I take a long sip of my drink with thoughts about Adriana and how the night could have ended if not for her father’s men disrupting us.

She was one damn good distraction. Had me erected the moment we locked lips in the bar. Those damn tits. A tug away from spilling out of her dress.

The thought of fucking her senselessly crosses my mind. How perfectly wet she gets. I’d fuck her so hard till it hurts and she screams my name. Maybe that will be the perfect way to have her pay on behalf of her father.

“What are you thinking about, Alessandro?”

The door is wide open with Daniel in the office. He gently shuts the door and walks to the seat in front of me.

“Getting revenge in a different way,” I reply.

I take my drink and rest further in the chair. Raising my legs to the wooden desk, I cross them while I swirl the chair a little.

Daniel has his hair packed in a high bun. His shirt is the same color as his green eyes. There’s a small cut on the top side of his head.

“Fucking Adriana?” he laughs. I told him what happened when Adriana and I left for the restroom.

“Can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind.”

“Stronzo (Asshole)!” A chuckle escapes him.

“Their shipment is coming into the city tonight. Lower East Side, midnight.”

He reaches for the glass and the bottle of liquor.

“How sure are you of this?”

“A little birdie told me,” he pours himself a little drink.

“Tortured it out of him.”

I look at his knuckles, which are deeply red.

“Get the men ready tonight.” I rise to my feet.

“No one stays alive,” I add.

I grab my phone from the side of the desk and slide it into my pocket.

Daniel stands to his feet. We are almost the same height.

“L’Uomo still has no idea?”

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