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"That's not our problem," he grunts, turning back around. He signals the driver to pick up speed and we're soon racing through the city. I look out the window, my heart pounding as the familiar landmarks of my new home disappear behind us.

I take deep breaths to calm down. I’m not escaping. That much is clear. I need to go about this differently. “I don’t know how much money he’s paying you, but is it really worth prison time? If he takes me back to California, I will go to the police. I will make sure everyone of you is prosecuted for your role in kidnapping me.”

They all laugh. "Sweetheart, you think the police will believe you over Adrian? Over us?" The second man smirks as he twists around in the front seat to look at me. "He's a respected businessman. We're respected members of the community. And you? You're a runaway brat who didn't want to get married."

"I’m a grown woman living in the twenty-first century. Gone are the days when men could force marriages. I don’t care if my father sold me to the highest bidder, I’m not doing it.”

They laugh again and ignore me as I continue to threaten them. I don’t bring up Hunter. I don’t want them to go after him. This is my problem, not his. Adrian won’t hurt me, but I can’t say the same for Hunter. I will not let him take any more abuse trying to protect me.

The car comes to a stop and I’m unceremoniously pulled out. It’s a luxury beachfront hotel. I had thought I could try and make a run for it, but I’ve got a man holding each arm. Even if I got one to let go of me, the other one wouldn’t. Screaming for help is unlikely to do anything. No one is going to want to get involved. I’m resigned to what comes next. I shift gears and decide this might be for the best. I need to face Adrian and make it very clear I will never marry him. I will never stop trying to escape. I debate telling him I’m pregnant. I decide I’ll judge the situation before I do anything.

“Try anything, and I’ll put you out,” one of the men warns as we step inside the hotel.

I believe him.

I’m shoved into an elevator and the doors close behind us. As it ascends, I feel the tight grip on my arms loosen ever so slightly. It's not much, but it's enough. I seize the opportunity, swinging my leg back and kicking the man behind me in the shin. He grunts and his grip loosens completely. I try to pull away, but the other man is too quick and grabs hold of my arm tighter.

"Enough!" he snarls, pushing me against the elevator wall.

I smile at him. “That’s for shoving me into the car.”

The doors open and we're in a luxurious suite that overlooks the beach. The waves crash against the shore in an otherwise peaceful scene that contrasts harshly with the danger I’m facing. My captors steer me towards a plush burgundy couch, shoving me forward.

“Sit,” he orders.

“I should teach you a lesson,” the man I kicked mutters.

“He’ll be pissed if we hurt her," one of them muses. “She’ll be dealt with later.”

I'm deposited onto the couch ungracefully, my hair mussed and clothes askew from the struggle. I glare at them, despising their laughter, their satisfaction at having cornered me.

The heavy suite door creaks open, and my heart stops for a moment. In steps Adrian, looking cool as a cucumber in his tailored suit. “Leave us,” he orders the men.

Anyone that saw him would assume he was a decent man. He was good looking, charming and knew how to maneuver through any situation. But I knew who he was under the slick suit and those cold blue eyes. The men quickly leave the room.

It’s clear he's furious, his eyes flashing with anger as he paces back and forth in front of me. “It’s been two months,” he hisses. “Do you know how many resources I’ve had to expend to find you.”

“Why? Why look for me?”

He stops pacing and stares at me. “Because you humiliated me. This whole thing is a mess. Your father will be here soon. He will figure out what happens next.”

“My father?” I repeat.

“When I got a lead on your whereabouts, I let him know. He should be here any minute.”

“How did you find me?” I ask curiously.

“I have connections,” he replies easily. “You know that.”

He moves to a bar cart in the corner of the room, pouring himself a drink from a crystal decanter. I watch his every move, trying to figure out how I can use this situation to my advantage. I may be in danger, but that doesn't mean I'm helpless.

After swallowing a mouthful of his drink, he turns to face me. "You can't keep running forever, you know." His voice is soft, but his eyes are hard and unyielding.

"I can try," I retort, meeting his gaze with an equally steely one of my own.

"That's not an option anymore," he says coolly.

I don't dare tell him I'm pregnant with another man's child. I fear his reaction, worry that it will only enrage him further and put me in even greater danger.

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