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I can feel the heat between us growing stronger, igniting a fire that burns deep inside of me. Every nerve ending on fire as she rides me harder and faster, meeting my thrusts stroke for stroke until we are both panting heavily. Her body trembles as she reaches her climax first; I feel the tight grip around my cock. Her soft moans turn into cries of pleasure that send shivers down my spine.

My own release follows shortly after, a powerful wave that rips through me with a force I've never known before. I tighten my grip on her hips, pulling her down on me as I erupt inside her. She collapses onto my chest, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm.

In the aftermath, we bask in the glow of our shared pleasure, bodies entwined and hearts beating together. Her fingers trace lazy circles on my chest. I cradle her head against me, running my fingers through her tousled hair.

“I think I like pregnant sex,” she says after a while.

“Me too,” I reply. “But you have to tell me if things get a little too rough. I know it’s not feeling much now, but I’m not I want to be pounding into you with my kid in there.”

She bursts into giggles. “That’s one way to put it. But I’m not giving up sex.”

I laugh with her. “I wouldn't dream of denying you of it. We’ll just have to get creative.”

Her eyes sparkle as she looks up at me, mischief brewing in those hazel depths. "Creative, huh? Well, I like the sound of that."

"I thought you might."

“I still can’t believe any of this is real,” she sighs. “Me. A mom.”

“We need to get you into a doctor,” I tell her.

“Like we can afford that,” she mutters. “I know this is going to sound terrible, but I have never had to think about things like that. I went to the store and bought whatever I wanted. I never had a budget. I did have an allowance, but it was more of a guideline. If I saw a new purse I wanted or decided I wanted to go to Cannes for a week, I just went and my dad would cover the bill. This is a whole new world for me.”

"We'll figure it out, babe," I assure her, stroking her hair. "I've been living in the real world my whole life. I know how to budget and save. And yeah, we're going to have to make some sacrifices, but it'll be worth it. For our kid."

She purses her lips and looks uncertain. "I don't want to burden you with all that," she says. "You didn't sign up for this."

"You're not a burden, Paige," I counter firmly, cupping her face to make her look at me. "And yes, I did sign up for this. The moment I got into your car at the airport, I made the decision. I’m not looking back now.”

She sighs against me. “Thank you.”

“Stop thanking me. This was my choice. I’m good. Now, get some sleep. You’re growing a baby in there.”

We lie there for a while before I hear her soft snores fill the air. I kiss the side of her face and let myself be lulled to sleep by her rhythmic breathing.

Chapter fifteen


“See you later, Maria,” I wave and walk out the door into the heat of the day.

I’m slowly getting used to it. It’s been a week since I found out I was pregnant. Morning sickness was still an issue, but I learned to manage it. I was doing my best not to stress about money and what would happen when I couldn’t work when the baby was born. Hunter was absolutely certain he would handle things. I was depending on him.

I was on my way to the grocery store to buy a few things with the tips I made for the day when I notice a car pull to a stop. Before I can have time to react, the back door is thrown open and a man jumps out. I’m frozen to the spot.

“Get in the car, Paige,” the man growls.


“Get in the car or I drag you in.”

He walks towards me as the front seat passenger gets out and I know I’m in real trouble. I turn to run, but it’s too late. The first man grabs my arm and jerks me back. I kick and scream but it’s all over within seconds. I’m thrown into the back seat and the car is moving before the two men even get their doors closed.

“Let me go!” I shout. “I’m not going back!”

"I don't care what you want!" the first man barks, turning to glare at me. His grip tightens on my arm, and I wince in pain.

"Please," I beg, trying to keep my voice steady. “Just let me go. Adrian has to know I will never marry him.”

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