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“I think I told you already about how I went to college based on scholarships,” Liam began. “I studied hard and saved as much as I could. I finished college in three years with a degree in business and went straight to work. While I had my first office job, I got my MBA online at the same time. There were many years of long nights and hard work, scrimping and saving every penny I could. And then, suddenly, I didn’t have to anymore.”

“After all that work, you’re more than financially secure now,” Amelia pointed out. “Haven’t your feelings on family changed?”

There was a long pause. Amelia’s heart began to beat faster. This felt like a very important moment. She wanted to believe that she was tense on Grace’s behalf, but there was a selfish component, too. If Liam felt ready for a family, maybe she would have a part in it.

“Maybe. It’s hard, though. I saw how financial struggles and the stress of parenthood pitted my parents against each other. And I know how hard I have to work to maintain the empire I’ve built. I don’t think it would be fair to a wife or children. Grace is here now, and I love her, and I’m going to do right by her, but more family than that… it’s hard to say.”

Amelia felt a flood of disappointment, but she cut it off quickly. Liam wasn’t saying he wouldn’t ever be ready for a family of his own, just that he wasn’t sure. It was a huge change from the man she’d met a few weeks ago who’d only wanted a fake wife. Maybe things were moving in the right direction.

“What about your parents?” Amelia asked. “What are they doing now?” She knew she was asking a lot of questions, probably too many, but she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to finally get some answers. Liam was opening up for the first time since she’d met him. This might never happen again.

“After I started to have some money, I bought them a house,” Liam admitted. “And I gave them some money, enough that they don’t have to work anymore. But we aren’t in touch. My parents are enjoying finally having some time to themselves, and I’m not really a part of that.”

His tone was casual, but Amelia could hear a world of feeling behind his words. It must be terrible to feel so abandoned by one’s own parents. Amelia’s parents would stand by her no matter what; she knew it. She still saw her father almost every week, though less now that she was “married” to Liam and caring for Grace. Even if they went years without seeing each other, though, Amelia knew he would always welcome her back with open arms — just like how Amelia still loved her mother deeply, even though she’d been gone for almost a decade.

“I am so sorry.” Amelia squeezed Liam’s hand again. “I can’t even imagine.”

“It’s all right.”

“No, it isn’t. Children should always feel loved and should never feel like a burden. I know your parents must have had a hard life, trying to make ends meet, but they should have made time for you, too.”

“I don’t think it was that easy. But I appreciate you saying so.” Liam ran his thumb over the back of Amelia’s hand, the way he had in the car at the zoo. Amelia felt a shiver run up her arm.

“Still. I hope you know now that you didn’t do anything wrong as a child.”

“I know.”

Amelia was pushing her luck, but she had to say this while she had a chance. “And neither did Grace.”

Liam’s thumb stilled and he lifted his gaze from their hands to her eyes. “I know that.”

“So, don’t be like your parents. Keep doing what you’re doing now — not just for the barbecue, but forever. Show Grace how much she matters.”

Amelia thought Liam might be upset, but he just nodded slowly. His lips parted.

“Will you help me?”

“Of course.” Amelia said the words with so much feeling that she surprised even herself.

“I know we’ve planned to keep our arrangement short, but if Grace needs you, if I need you, will you stay?”

Amelia didn’t hesitate. “I will. I’ll stay as long as you both need me.” Because I might just need you, too.

Liam gave Amelia’s hand one last squeeze, then let it go. “It’s getting late. We should both get some sleep before tomorrow.”

“We should.” Amelia got to her feet as Liam released her hand. “Good night, Liam.”

“Good night, Amelia.”

She walked to the door but hesitated in the doorframe, torn. Then she turned back. “Liam?”


“Thank you. For telling me all that.”

“It was nice… to tell someone. Thank you for listening.”

With that, Amelia left.

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