Page 19 of Fallen

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Zaph turns toward me. “There should be a gas station before too much longer.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry for being a bitch.”

He reaches over, wrapping his fingers through mine. “You’re not.”

I scoff as I spot the perfect bathroom for both of us. Ahead is an old gas station with rounded pumps, and what I’m going to guess, an outside bathroom. “There. That looks perfect.”

Zaph pulls into the parking lot, parks off to the side, and opens his door. “I’m coming with you.”

“Do angels pee?” My eyes grow in size. “That was rude, wasn’t it?”

He laughs. “Not rude at all. Yes, we have all of the same bodily functions as humans.”

The three of us head toward a smaller building in the back. “Can you hold Bob while I go in?”


“Zaph, I loved the time we spent in bed earlier, and yes, you’ve seen me naked, but I draw the line at peeing in front of you. Trust me when I say there will be no one in the bathroom trying to kidnap me.”

He stares me down, clearly not convinced.

“I’ll even leave the door unlocked. If you hear me scream, you can come running.” I back into the door, pushing it open with my rear end. I smile just as the door closes, separating the two of us. True to my word, I leave the door unlocked, turning toward the disgust that awaits. A metal wall separates the toilet from the sink, and both are covered in smears of something I don’t want to know what is. Phone numbers are scratched into the metal, offering anything from a “good time” to “a friend if you need one.”

Making my way into the open stall, I manage not to touch anything while squatting to do my business. If the germs don’t kill me, the smell will.

“You okay in there?” Zaph asks through the cracked door.

“I’m good. Just finishing up and trying not to catch parvo.”

His laugh carries through the crack in the door. “I don’t think humans can get parvo.”

“Whatever.” I finish, wash my hands, and carefully open the door with my shirt. To my surprise, Bob is standing alone with his leash still attached.

“Zaph?” I call into the snow. Bob is staring into the sky, ignoring me altogether. “Bob? What happened?”

He whines in response. Following his line of sight, I catch a glimpse of a black dot high in the sky. I grab Bob’s leash and pull him toward the awaiting car. Climbing inside, I pull my reluctant dog with me and lock the doors behind us. The only way Zaph would be in the sky is if we were in danger. “Shit, Bob. Did you see anything?”

A crash echoes through the SUV as something large lands on the roof. Bob immediately shifts into protection mode and barks at the sound. Whatever hit the roof jumps the hood and finally to the ground. Staring through the snowy windshield is the blonde angel from the ski lift. He smiles, and chill bumps cover my skin.

He rips the door from the SUV before I register movement. “Hello, Lucinda. We meet again.”

“Where’s Zaph?”

Zephriel smiles. “He’s not here right now. I thought you might like to come out and play.”

Bob’s barks have turned into a deep growl as he moves closer to the threat. “Call him off, or I’ll kill him.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Don’t confuse me with my weak brother, girl. We are not the same. Shut him up, now.”

The tone of Zephriel’s voice tells me he’s serious. “Bob. It’s okay, bud.” I rub the top of his head, hoping to calm him. Pushing him to the floor of the car, I put my legs in front of him.

“That’s better.” The white angel takes a step back. “Let’s go.” He holds his hand toward me.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

His laugh is deep and dark. “I’m afraid you’re confused, dear girl. I’m not asking.”

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