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He places his hand, palm up, on his knee. “Hold my hand, Piper.”

I cross my arms. “No.”

“I’m not coming on to you. I want to see if we feel it again.”

“If you were going to feel something, wouldn’t you have felt it while I used you as a pillow?”

“Indulge me, please. If nothing happens, then I’ll leave you alone and never bother you again.”

Until ten minutes ago, I wanted him to bother me. Now, I’m all for him leaving me alone. Against my better judgment, I place my hand in his, lacing my finger through his large ones. Nothing happens. “See, I told you…” words leave as the overwhelming energy fills me from head to toe. Images of the plane disappear, taking me to a world I don’t recognize. Ty is with me, and we’re standing in what looks like a high-rise building. Glass lines all four walls, giving us a clear view of the land beyond. Large black mountains, covered with snow, surround the room. It’s beautiful.

Turning toward Ty. His long hair is free and hanging past his shoulders. He’s wearing a perfectly tailored suit that hugs him in all the right places. “We’re home,” he whispers, stepping closer to me. “You’re the one I’ve been searching for.”

As quickly as the world appears, it disappears, and I’m returned to the plane, still holding onto Ty’s hand. He brings our joined hands to his lips, kissing the back of my hand. “You’re the one I’ve been searching for.”


The Truth…Maybe

“Ladies and gentlemen, please return your tables to their upright position, and fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing in Oslo shortly.”

Neither of us moves. “Excuse me, Mr. Johnson, Miss Erickson. Please fasten your seatbelts,” the attendant reminds us, standing in the aisle.

I pull my hand away, following her instructions as Ty reluctantly does the same. “What does this mean?” I whisper once she’s out of earshot.

“I can’t explain it all right now, but you have to trust me, Piper.” I stare into Ty’s eyes, and without explanation, I know he’s telling me the truth. “There will be a car waiting for me when we arrive. If you come with me, I’ll tell you what I know.”

The plane touches down, bouncing a few times off the runway before taxiing to the awaiting walkway. Ty’s hand stays protectively wrapped around mine as we move quickly through the airport in silence.

Grabbing my overly heavy bags, along with his small duffle bag, we move toward the front entrance of the airport. Just like he promised, a black sedan is parked in the drop-off zone, awaiting his arrival.

“Who’s this?” an older man asks, assessing me head to toe as he opens the back door of the car.

“Piper,” Ty answers, ushering me inside.

“Hello, Piper,” the man welcomes as he slides into the driver’s seat.

“Hi.” I wave awkwardly.

“Take us to the penthouse.”

The driver makes eye contact with Ty from the rearview mirror. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Do as I ask.”

“Yes, sir.”

We pass rolling hills covered in dark green grass, along with quaint, brightly colored homes. The views look just like the images from my research of Norway. The closer we get into town, the busier the streets become. Most people are on bicycles.

Entering the main city of Oslo, the car stops in front of an iron gate mere seconds before it opens, allowing us inside. The driver pulls into the only parking place in the building. Ty never releases my hand as he gently pulls me out of the car.

“What about my bags?”

“Alex will bring them.” He leads me into an elevator and pushes the only button visible. Seconds later, the doors open, revealing a room very similar to the one I envisioned on the plane.

“This…this looks like the one I saw when we touched on the plane.” I pull away from his hold, walking around the room. The mountains I saw earlier are there, just miles away from the city center. The sun is low in the sky, casting shadows throughout the room. “This is beautiful.”

Stopping near a table covered with photos, I take in a few of the images. There are pictures of Ty that range from what looks like modern photography to images that resemble tin-type photos. No matter the age of the pictures he looks the same in each one.

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