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He sits back with a sigh. “I work for a climate company. We fight climate control and protect the ozone layer.”

“That’s cool. Sounds like an honorable job.”

“You could say that.” The server returns, holding two plates and setting one in front of each of us. On the plate is something I’ve only seen in movies—a hamburger. The piece of meat between the two buns is larger than my hand, and the sides hang over the edge of the buns. I have no clue how to eat this. I copy what he does, adding several condiments to the top of the burger and ketchup to dip the fat french fries into.

Ty picks his burger up, eating half of it in one bite. I choose the less messy way and cut the burger in half. The first bite is more than I could’ve imagined. The juices fill each taste bud as I take my time chewing. I close my eyes in response.

“You okay over there?” Ty asks, his dimples showing again. “You look like this is the first burger you’ve ever eaten.”

“It is,” I answer once the burger is chewed up enough to respond.

He sets his back on the plate. “You’ve never had a hamburger before?”

“Nope.” I take another bite of the heavenly bliss. “This is great.”

He watches me eat as he finishes his burger and works on his fries. “Don’t let your fries get cold.”

I nearly forgot. I take a bite, relishing the crunch in my mouth. “This is the best meal I’ve ever eaten.”

Ty smiles. “Apparently, I’m not the only enigma here.”

The server returns, carrying the check, and places it in front of Ty. “Oh, our tickets are separate.”

“No, it’s fine.” He places a bill in the server's hand. “Keep the change.”

“You didn’t have to do that? I have money.”

“Being witness to you enjoying that burger made it worthwhile.”

I finish my last fry, leaving nothing on my plate. Sitting back, I tap my stomach, feeling fuller than I have in a long time. “Thank you.”

“We have about forty-five minutes before our plane leaves. With the way this airport is, I suggest we make our way over there pretty soon.”

He stands, pulling my chair out for me before I have a chance to do it myself. He follows me past the hostess, who catches one last glance before we head back toward our awaiting gate.

Along the way, women and some men of all ages, genders, and types turn to watch as we pass. I catch the eyes of a few of them, trying to figure out what the deal is. I agree, he’s hot in a Viking Village Raider kind of way, but these people are relentless. How can he not notice that?

We arrive at the gate thirty minutes before boarding. Ty sits next to me in the uncrowded seating area. The bulk of him spills over the arm of the chair, and he’s in my personal space. To my surprise, I’m okay with it.

“You didn’t clean your seat this time,” he announces.

“I didn’t, did I?” I smile.

“Not a fan of germs, huh?”

“Not particularly.” I sigh, not sure how much I want to say. “It’s part of the reason I’m taking this trip. Getting away from my everyday routine is just what the doctor ordered.”

“Doctor? So, you see a doctor about it?”

I feel the heat rise in my cheeks. “I do.”

He nods. “Norway will be perfect for that.” He leans closer, whispering into my ear. “You know the people that live there are trolls and live in filth.”

I nudge him with my elbow. “I thought you were about to bestow amazing knowledge on me.”

Ty laughs. “You didn’t think that was amazing?”

“No. The plot of Peer Gynt is not amazing.”

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