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See you in 30 mins. I’m already heading in that direction.

I grinned and started my trip to the club.

Chapter Fourteen


It would be safe to say I bit off more than I could chew. Refusing to be together with Aurora was one thing, but doing it because there was someone else was something else entirely. Now, my family knew I had feelings for someone, while the person I harbored the feelings for had no idea.

Aurora has called more times than I could count, and I was surprised that she hadn’t shown up to the house demanding to know what was happening. I wondered if she had finally come to her senses and realized that there could never be anything between us.

Since the dinner, I have been ignoring everyone so I can think about what my next move would be. The only problem was my parents had also been calling, demanding to know what I was thinking, turning Aurora down.

Luckily for me, Allison was giving me the much-needed space I needed to piece my thoughts together. I knew for sure she was curious about who this mystery girl was, but how do I tell her that I feel greatly for her best friend?

Would she care? Would she forbid me from seeing Fiona? I didn’t think it would be possible if my sister asked that of me. If she told me she was against seeing Fiona, would I back away? If Fiona was to turn me down, would it matter to me?

Of course, it would. What was I thinking about? I’d be absolutely wrecked if something like that were to happen. I figured the best course of action would be to call my sister and talk to her first. She’d be the perfect person to gauge the situation.

I needed an outside view. A second opinion because I was already tired of hearing my own.

I picked up my phone to call Allison, but a knock came on my door. When I opened it up, Allison was standing there with a bottle of wine in her hand.

“I figured I’ve given you enough time to think about it. I’ll be leaving soon, and I don’t want to leave when you’re still sulking.”

“I’m not sulking,” I said, and moved to the side so she could come into the house. I hugged her, inhaling her lavender perfume, which I got her for her birthday.

“I’m sure you’re not, you big baby,” Allison said, and pulled away from the hug. “Come along and tell me all about what’s been troubling your heart.”

“Nothing has been troubling my heart,” I said, but followed after her.

Allison ignored me. “I ordered pizza. It should be here soon.”

I watched as my sister walked into my kitchen and grabbed two wine glasses, ignoring all the protest that fell from my mouth. I knew she would never believe me, and no matter how much I tried to argue my case, I shut my mouth and accepted the glass of wine she handed me.

Almost immediately, the doorbell rang, and she flashed me a smile. “That must be the pizza.”

And then she rushed to the door and returned with a box of pizza shortly after. I watched all of it, my confession sitting on the tip of my tongue. There was no way I wasn’t going to break if she asked me about the person I had given my heart to.

A plate with a slice of pizza is shoved in my direction, and Allison gestured toward the living room. I followed her, pretending that my hands weren’t too sweaty to hold the glass of wine and the pizza plate.

I couldn’t even pretend that I didn’t know what the conversation was going to be, and Allison, ever so nice for her own good, was indulging me by not saying anything. When we settled down on the couch, the silence that enveloped us felt loud enough.

It’s my sister, and I couldn’t even remember the last time I felt this uncomfortable. Or if I’ve felt this uncomfortable around her. The answer swirled around my head. A no.

“Alright,” Allison said, collecting the glass, and placing it on the table next to my untouched pizza.

“What is going on? Out with it.”

“Nothing is going on.”

“I really thought you’d talk to me about it, and I tried to give you the space you needed, but now, I’m starting to think that was a mistake on my part. Is it Aurora? Is she saying something? Is Mom backing her up again?”

I started to shake my head, but Allison didn’t seem to care much about it because she carried on talking.

“I swear that girl needs a stern talking to, and you keep talking nicely to her. That’s why she hasn’t gotten the message yet. You need to talk to her, and threaten her with a restraining order if you must. And if Mom says something, just let me know; I’ll be sure to let her know that you’re old enough to handle your business since you seem to want to take care of their feelings when they have no regard for yours. And why would you even -”

“I like Fiona,” I said, and watched as my sister stopped talking, opening it and closing it repeatedly as all words seemed to escape her. I took the opportunity to say what I wanted to say before she found the words to express herself. “When I said that there was someone I liked, I was talking about Fiona. And I know she’s your friend, but I can’t control how I feel.”

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