Page 75 of Mating their Omega

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“So . . . ah . . . Myla,” Silas started.

She looked up from her plate, her eyes subdued.

“Yesterday was . . . it was a lot.” Silas picked up his spoon and pushed around food as he organized his words. “I’m sorry for losing my cool like that. It wasn’t deserved.”

“It’s okay,” Myla said softly.

“No. It’s not. I don’t ever want to make you feel like you aren’t allowed to make your own choices or that you’ll be the target of my frustration.” He met her eyes. “I won’t make excuses, but I want to offer an explanation. When you offered yourself up like that, all I could think about was you putting yourself in harm’s way. I couldn’t stand it. The thought of you back with the Blood Moon made me want to hurt anyone and anything that would try to take you from us. So, I was an ass to you because I was scared the Alpha would agree with you.”

“You were an ass,” she said. “But I forgive you.”

They smiled at each other, and the tension in the room melted away.

“Well, now that’s over with, how about we figure out what we’re going to do today?” I said cheerily.

Chapter 25


I knew today would be shit.

The omen reminded me of the telltale signs of sickness as it crept through my body. My bones ached with it. So when Gentry burst through the back door of our den and announced that the Hand had confirmed movement and one of the sensors placed in rogue territory had been triggered, it wasn’t a surprise.

“How far out are they?” I asked.

“Fifty mil—”

The blare of an alarm drowned out Gentry’s words—three bleats in rapid succession, followed by a long ringing sound.

We turned toward the stairwell as Myla raced downstairs.

“Is it time?” she asked anxiously.

The alarm went silent.

“Yeah.” Gentry reached for her. “Let’s go.”

We didn’t want Blood Moon to catch wind of our awareness. Hidden Creek’s success relied on our foresight. The alarm was short and sweet, long enough to set our plans into action without tipping anyone off.

As we raced outside, the pack was already moving. Elders and the first wave of females were headed toward our reinforced emergency shelter. The second wave would be positioned closest to them, and the third wave would stand alongside the second-string males of both Silver Fang and Hidden Creek. They had already stationed themselves in the woods near the border.

First-string fighters—and our Alphas—would wait just beyond our borders as our first line of defense. They were going to cut off Blood Moon before they made it anywhere near our territory.

I watched as our most vulnerable disappeared into the safe house, my heart heavy with the weight of responsibility. Korren rushed Brielle past us. Her eyes briefly met mine, and I saw her silent plea. Blythe was fighting with us, and I nodded to show her I understood. Blythe was pack, and I would always have her back.

My mind went to Myla. As we walked to her position, my mate’s brow furrowed, her usual happy demeanor nowhere in sight.

She would be with the second wave.


My wolf growled, expressing his discontent.

We wanted her safe, but she had proven herself to be smart and surefooted. We couldn’t tell her not to risk herself when everyone else planned to do so.

We stopped just inside the den sector. Other females were already spreading out between the buildings.

I turned to face Myla. “If you’re in trouble, call down the bond. Do you hear me? I’ll come for you no matter what.”

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