Page 71 of Mating their Omega

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We took our places, and Blythe gave my arm a squeeze. “Feels surreal, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah. I knew our packs were creating an alliance, but I never expected to be part of it.”

“I’m still reeling over the fact that we’re going to see the elusive feral Alpha in the flesh,” Blythe whispered.

“Goddess, I hope that’s a rumor,” I replied.

“I don’t.” Blythe shrugged. “We could use a killing machine on our side.”

I shivered at the image her words conjured.

The door opened, ending our conversation as Alpha Wynn stood to his full height.

“Alpha Declan,” Alpha Wynn greeted in an almost pleasant tone. “Thank you for agreeing to meet. It’s a shame we couldn’t gather under more favorable circumstances.”

Alpha Declan appeared in the doorway, and the air shifted as he entered the room.

Blythe stiffened beside me.

The Alpha was nearly half a head taller than Alpha Wynn. Everything about him was sharp and precise, like a freshly forged blade.

His long pale hair—white apart from the thick streak of black in the front—was shorn at the sides and braided to his waist.

He dipped his chin toward Alpha Wynn, the movement wolfish. “Maybe in the future, we will.”

He sat across from us as four shifters positioned themselves behind him. One was a female.

“Behind me are Jed—my Beta—and three of my Enforcers: Bennett, Miles, and Scarlett.”

“Welcome,” Alpha Wynn said. “Allow me to introduce my Gamma, Alaric, and two of my Enforcers, Valor and Silas.” He pointed to his pack members as he introduced us. “This is my security specialist, Gentry, and four of our Omegas. Isolde is mine and Alaric’s mate, Brielle is Valor’s, and Myla is Silas’s and Gentry’s. Blythe is Brielle’s sister.”

Alpha Declan’s gaze lingered on Blythe before he focused on Alpha Wynn. Jed’s, however, stayed on Blythe as if he were trying to figure out a puzzle.

“I suppose congratulations are in order,” Alpha Declan said.

“Thank you,” Alpha Wynn replied.

Alpha Wynn then described everything that had occurred in the last few weeks, including my escape, the threat Blood Moon posed, and the Council’s attack using dark witches. When he finished, he had Gentry show the security footage inside the Council’s facilities.

Finally, each Omega recounted their experience with the Council and unsanctioned territories. When it was my turn, I left out as little as possible, wanting him to understand what we were up against.

Alpha Declan’s face remained blank as he listened. He sat like a hierophant, waiting to cast judgment upon the accused.

“Asking for an alliance against the Council is quite a request, but one can see the benefit—not only for our packs but for all shifters. There is no doubt in my mind that their partnership with the dark witches is more dangerous than we know.” Alpha Declan’s gray eyes flicked to Blythe so briefly I thought I imagined it. “But a war against an unsanctioned pack with unregulated numbers is something else entirely. You’re asking me to put my pack—my family—at risk. There will be losses on both sides. So, the question is, what do we gain from this?”

“I’m aware that my request is immense. However, once our alliance is set, I vow fealty of equal measure,” Alpha Wynn replied.

“While your fealty is valuable, I’m requesting a show of good faith.” Alpha Declan leaned forward. “An assurance for the future union between our packs.”

Alpha Wynn’s posture remained relaxed, but his eyes hardened. “What do you propose?”

“I’m requesting one of your Omegas.” His words were even—almost clinical. “She will join the Silver Fang pack.”

Jed stiffened.

Though he hadn’t mentioned her specifically, there was only one unmated Omega: Blythe.

Brielle’s hand shot toward her sister’s, and Valor stepped closer.

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