Page 48 of Mating their Omega

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The rustling leaves parted like welcoming arms. The air changed as I stepped through the foliage, but the wall separating me from my wolf held against her onslaught. My stomach lurched, curdled, and soured. But still, I continued walking.

Stop, my wolf called, her voice muffled.

The fog cleared, and I tried to halt my movements but couldn’t. Panic crept in just as the mist crashed over me. The compulsion tugged harder—fingers turned to claws and sank into my flesh.

The resistance drained from my muscles even as the alien feeling sparked my desire to fight. My traitorous body followed the sound as my heart jumped in my chest. Suddenly, silence descended like a shroud.

I vaguely recognized where I was. The trees were denser, which was the first indication that I was approaching the border on the west edge of Hidden Creek territory. Just beyond the tree line were rogue lands.

Fight it, my wolf cried. Don’t let them take you!

Them. The word struck me like a sledgehammer. I clung to it, struggling against the pull, the sound of my mother’s voice, and the song that roared in my ears.

Harder! My wolf cried, her voice closer than before.

The song swelled, and my body vibrated with tension as I battled against the immovable force, feeling like a lamb being dragged to the slaughter.

Shadows swirled among the trees on the other side of a clearing, and I struggled harder.

The leaves were moving.

And then I smelled a scent both alluring and sinister, wrapping around me like smoke. Fear prickled at the edges of my mind, but I couldn’t tear myself away.


My wolf raged on the other side of the wall in my head, beating against it like a wild animal, and finally, a crack appeared. I hammered at it with renewed purpose, motivated by the small victory. The fissure spread, and my two halves became whole as the wall shattered.

Even so, my body never stopped moving. I was like a puppet on a string, yanked toward a destination I couldn’t see but dreaded all the same. Mind intact once more, I felt for the bond, and it flared to life.

Desperation clawed at me as I pushed my emotions down all four threads in a feeble attempt to summon help.

My wolf granted me her strength, and together, we fought against the insidious magic that held me in its grip.

Volatile energy swept through the clearing, singing the hair on my arms.

This was dark magic.

Witches, my wolf snarled.

No . . . no . . .

Terror shredded my insides as I looked around for anything that could save me.

My stomach dropped as my eyes clashed with Brielle’s, Blythe’s, and Isolde’s.

They were here . . .

The same force was dragging them to the clearing.

Their expressions mirrored my fear and determination.

The Omegas of Hidden Creek were trapped and helpless.

This was intentional. This was an attack. Not just against me but against the pack.

We yelled and screamed as dark magic pulled us toward the wild forest.

My heart sank. Our defeat was inevitable.

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