Page 4 of Mating their Omega

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My wolf’s paws silently hit the snow, and she immediately sprinted, determined to put distance between us and our pursuers. With her heightened hearing, she could identify six separate trackers.


My heart raced, and panic propelled us forward. My wolf whined through the next spike of heat, but she pushed on, aware of what would happen to us if caught. Instinct would demand we submit to our primal need and sate our hunger. I would lose myself.

I was hot—burning from the inside out—and so Goddess-damned horny. My body was tender, and moving was a slow, perilous process. My wolf’s tongue lolled as she panted, trying to cool the inferno within us.

She knew we couldn’t stop.

So she leaned into the pain and kept running.

Two days passed in a blur of heat-induced pain. On the first morning, my wolf managed to catch a rabbit braving the cold in search of its dinner. We rested in hollowed-out trees or between boulders—anything that afforded us a break from the wind and snow. But the weather worsened overnight, and by the second day, there was no game. We pushed on.

East. East. East.

I repeated the words like a mantra. I couldn’t give up—not when we’d made it this far. The howls of the Blood Moon scouts had ago long faded away, and my wolf was sure we had evaded them. Our survival now depended on making it to sanctioned territory and finding someone who would listen to us.

It was a struggle to wake up on the fourth day. Walking felt impossible, and my wolf was running on adrenaline and determination alone. The tree cover had thinned, and there would be no shelter, food, or respite until we made it to the other side of the frozen valley.

Our fur was frozen, and the cold burn of the climate stung our skin as we made our way through the powdery wasteland, weary limbs trembling. The ache in our legs went from a pulsing throb to a persistent hum, and my wolf knew it wouldn’t be long before numbness settled in. Soon, our mind would no longer be able to control the movement of our body.

The trees were just beyond reach.


We were desperate and worried, wondering if we would make it to the tree line, but we couldn’t go any further.

We couldn’t.

Our body finally gave out, and we stumbled to the base of the nearest tree. The cold rushed in, freezing the blood in our veins. The winter chill cradled us and told us to sleep. Our eyes fluttered, unable to resist the urge.

My wolf let out a soft whimper.

You didn’t fail me, I soothed her. Maybe we were never meant for more than this.

We closed our eyes.

Chapter 2


Silas’ wolf brushed against mine. He shook out his tawny fur—a mixture of brown, red, white, and black—as we sniffed the perimeter of Hidden Creek’s territory. A blanket of snow buried the lush landscape, turning the forest into a winter wonderland. Night had descended, concealing the dangers lurking just beyond our borders.

Alpha Wynn had recently increased the size of our patrols, requiring us to run a perimeter check in teams of two instead of alone.

Does Chasity still think she’s got a chance at playing bedmate? Silas asked.

I instantly wished I was alone. The Beta female wasn’t shy about letting me know she’d be happy to warm my bed again. It was something I hadn’t taken her up on since my unit agreed to forgo female company in favor of waiting for our Omega. When the Hidden Creek pack regained our sanctioned status, we knew it was only a matter of time before we’d participate in the Hunt. My unit mates and I didn’t want to risk our Omega being uncomfortable or having to deal with the fallout of female attachments.

Unfortunately, Chasity seemed to have selective hearing on the topic.

Fuck if I know, I projected bluntly.

Why else would she still be sniffing around you? You didn’t make it clear enough, Silas replied.

I haven’t slept with her in six months. Besides, I told her we were done. How much blunter could I be? Do you want me to put a barricade around the house?

My wolf sniffed in amusement.

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