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“I was hoping you’d say that.” I pass her the coconut cream, along with a fork and napkin. “When you’re ready to give this one a shot, just say the word. Okay, what’s this bad news from off the island?”

She sighs. “Ooh, I like the sound of that too much. ‘Off the island’… like we’re in some haven here. Some bubble away from the rest of the world.”

“There’s an awful lot of ocean around us.”

“Unfortunately, that doesn't stop Wi-Fi.”

“This is true.” I take a big bite of the key lime pie. “Whoa… dang. This is out of this world.”

“Mm. This one, too.” She takes a bite and falls quiet. “I got a message from the CEO,” she blurts out. “Of—of Buzzy Digital Marketing. Fabian Lucien. Like, the founder.”

I shift my position so my back rests along the chair's reclined slope and my feet are propped up.

It’s easy to pick up on the nervousness that tightens Hazel’s throat now that she’s talking about whatever message she just got. Her voice is higher, her words coming out in a rush. For some reason, this email from the CEO has gotten her worked up.

Or, more likely, she’s nervous to talk about it with me. We are coworkers, after all—and we’re up for the same promotion.

I should start to feel on edge right now. I wait for the tell-tale signs: the restless legs, the itchy, got-energy-to-burn feeling that sometimes takes over my body.

However, it doesn’t come.

Being here with Hazel somehow makes all the other aspects of my life seem very far away and unimportant.

I don’t care about work. Not right now.

Right now, my thoughts are all in on Hazel and how good it feels to get to know her. The real her. The her that hides behind all the false politeness and the chipper, cheerful wording.

I like the real Hazel.

A lot.

Hazel pushes the pie around her plate over on her chair a foot away from me. Yep, she’s definitely nervous again.

Falling in love again terrifies me.

That’s wild because it’s really rare for me to feel afraid. I can push the speed on my dirt bike, take big jumps, and do dangerous stunts without feeling truly afraid. But this…? I’m practically shaking.

I went through hell and back with Jess. I thought she was the one I’d spend my life with, and I hung onto that delusion for way too long.

Now, with Hazel, I can feel it: that terrifying, dizzying drop that happens when you embark on something out of your control.

It’s stronger than it ever was with Jess, which only adds to my fear.

Compared to all of that, this chit-chat about the CEO of Buzzy, Fabian What’s-his-name, is easy.

“Must be important, if the High and Mighty Fabian the Great is reaching out to you,” I offer. “He only steps in about the big stuff.”

“Yeah—it is, actually. Important, that is. It—it’s about… that thing you talked about earlier. Devina, and how she might be parting ways with the company soon.”

I chuckle as I slice into my pie with the edge of my fork. “A true Hazel-ism. ‘Parting ways with the company.’ Sounds as pleasant as strolling through a strawberry patch.”

“Hm. I guess I’m doing that thing. Softening, with words. Okay, how would you say it?”

“No use holding back—she’s not here. She’s going to get canned.”

“Ugh. Canned. That sounds like her life is about to go into the trash.”

“Well, it’ll depend on how she plays it. It could be that she’ll move on to something bigger and better. I’ve been fired before, and it always turned out okay.”

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