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I didn’t expect this, but it’s happening. My heart’s all fuzzy, my blood’s rushing.

“Look, I’m not making fun of you,” I say, still fighting the smile. “I think it’s cute that you were talking to a turtle. And also, practical. I hash things out with my dog all the time. Animals are the best listeners.”

Her eyes remain narrowed. She studies me. “You have a dog?”

I nod. “Nola. She’s probably my best friend, after my brother.”


“Border collie. Man, do I miss her.”

“You really talk to her?”

“All the time, about all sorts of stuff.”

“Like what?”

“Well… let’s see… what was the last one… Okay, so I had this tiff with one of my neighbors. I forgot to brake at a stop sign on this stretch of road in front of his house. The guy got all bent out of shape about it, way more than normal, and I felt bad about the whole thing. Nola helped me see that it was more about that dude than my driving. I ended up apologizing to the guy, and now we fish together once in a while. Mostly trout.”

“I mean, it had to be about your driving. You forgot to stop… at a stop sign.”

“I slowed down a lot. Besides, it was a mistake.”

“Nola must be very patient.” The hint of a smile hovers on her lips. She’s still keeping up the narrow-eyed look, but now it has a playful feel.

“She is.”

“So, you broke a traffic law, fought with your neighbor… and made a new friend? Am I understanding this sequence correctly?”

I nod. “Yup. He’s actually a great guy. Super skilled fisherman.”

“Wow.” She shakes her head. The smile flickers again, this time stronger.

“So, we’re cool?” I ask. “You’re not embarrassed anymore, you’re not mad at me for sneaking up on you?”

She nods.

Her eyes are beautiful.

Warmth floods me as I look at her, and it’s not just because of the sunlight pouring down on us.

In my head, I don’t know how to feel about this woman. I keep thinking conflicting thoughts.

On the one hand, she’s the pain-in-the-butt coworker I’ve been dealing with for ten months. The person I’m competing with for a big promotion. On the other hand, she seems so timid and innocent in person. She’s imaginative. She loves animals, which is sweet.

No matter how much I struggle to find some kind of stance to take, I can’t. My brain is split.

But… my body’s one hundred percent enchanted by her.

Blood rushes and thrums in my veins. This aliveness sings through me and makes everything around us look even more colorful, even more spectacular.

“Yeah, I guess we’re cool,” she whispers. “Whatever that means.”

“Great. And we’re on for our dinner date tonight.”

“It’s not a date. It’s a work meeting.”

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