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His torso must be a work of art, judging by those broad shoulders and the way his Hawaiian shirt hangs over his hunky pecks and flat abs. The bright orange tones of the shirt make me feel so drab in my black tank top and shorts.

I am not the type to have vacation flings. But if I was, this would be the kind of guy I’d go for.

He looks capable of sweeping a woman off her feet. His sandy blond hair is just shaggy enough to be tousled by the sea breeze. His tan complements those striking green eyes that, yes, I’m still hooked on.

He’s even in brown leather thong sandals, just like I imagined fictional Matt would wear. Oh, the irony.

Before I can figure out if I’m going to smile back, he’s moved on.

He says something to the similar-looking guy beside him, who might be his brother. Then he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

The brotherly guy laughs as though Mr. Hunk is hilariously funny. A woman walks up to them and pecks the brotherly one on the cheek. This must be the wife. She’s petite and energetic, with springy, ebony ringlets that frame her round face. She’s trailed by two school-aged girls with the same bounce in their steps and ringlets.

Mr. Hunk peers down at his phone. His brows tuck together. I imagine he’s in some intense text conversation with a wife or girlfriend of his own.

I mean, of course, he’s taken.

It seems like all the good ones are. At least, that’s how it feels back home, in Windsor. The butcher at Speedy Market is single and rearing to date, but he doesn’t qualify as a ‘good one.’ Unless my mother’s the one passing judgment, and she only likes him because he slices her Sara Lee honey-roasted turkey breast as thin as paper.

Instead of taking another peek at the hot stranger, I head for the desk. I’ve embarrassed myself enough by locking eyes with him, and I’d rather not risk more.

The fresh-faced attendant listens patiently as I give my name, and she pulls up my reservation within seconds. She wields two hotel keys. With a wave of guilt, I realize why.

I was with my mother when I gave the booking details.

They think I’m here with Matt.

“You’ll find the Pink Coral bungalow right out that door; just follow the winding path to the right. Shall I give you both key cards now, or keep one at the desk for Matthew so he can get in when he arrives?”

“Oh, he’s… he’s already walking around, checking things out. He’s probably settled in by the pool by now. I’ll give him his card.”


I feel pathetic as I tuck both cards into my shoulder bag and drag my suitcase across the lobby.

I think I see Mr. Hunk over by a cluster of white chairs, but I don’t dare look his way.

Maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of him around the resort this week, but I doubt we’ll ever lock eyes like that again. He’ll probably be too busy paddling a sea kayak with some woman to give me the time of day.

At least I have Matt, I think sadly as I step out into the sunlight.

Chapter 2


Peacocks. Parrots. Pretty women.

There’s a lot going on in this Hanu Bay Resort lobby.

I’d like to look around, particularly for that beauty dressed in all black that I just locked eyes with.

But I can’t, because now I’m dealing with a work thing.

I rub my chin as I scan Hazel Thorpe’s response to our manager’s message.

It was pretty lame of Devina to email while I’m on vacation, but I expected it. She’s the type who likes to see other people suffer. Not cool.

Also not cool is my coworker Hazel Thorpe’s response. Of course, she wants to handle the work alone, without me. She’s been down on me since I was hired ten months ago.

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