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“What do you mean, go figure?”

“I mean, I saw you in the lobby.”

“I know. I… of course. I saw you—er—too.”

I gaped at you, quite likely with my mouth ajar.

I just didn’t know I’d have to take responsibility for ogling you.

“You’re probably here with your wife or a girlfriend or something,” I add in a rush. “Is she—I mean, is this fine with her? It’s not like the photos are a big deal. Just quick snapshots because my mother has a bad back.”

Because my mother has a bad back?

What does my mother’s back have to do with my idiotic, pathetically desperate current situation?

Really, nothing.

Back in my lounge chair, pre-nap, this all seemed so wonderfully brilliant. That must have been the booze talking, because… ack.

When it comes down to it, I am paying for happy-couple photos.

That is the state of my life right now.

I can’t blame this on my mother.

Not entirely.

I’m too nervous to wait for his response. The words just spill out of me as I sweep my layered bangs out of my eyes. “I mean, I just want to cheer her up. It’s dreary back at home. She can’t even get outside because of all the ice. And she really wants grandkids in Windsor one day, and both my sisters moved away.”

Okay, Hazel, stop.

Just stop.

Mr. Hunk’s eyes twinkle with amusement. “Your mother… wants grandkids.”

I nod. “Sorry. I had one of those pineapple drinks, the ones with the actual rum, and then I napped, and I’m sort of a mess right now. It’s not my usual. Can we start over?”

Now the twinkling gives way to a full-blown smile.

It’s dazzling. And, just like he mentioned in his message, slightly crooked. Twin dimples pop out on the planes of his cheeks.

His green eyes dance. “Yeah. I think that’d be a good idea. Okay. I’ll go first since I’m pretty much here applying for a job. I’m offering to help you out with the boyfriend photos.”

“Great. Thank you. Application accepted. I took down the post already because—yikes. I think I was tipsy when I posted it, or maybe I had Vacation Brain.”

“That sounds scientific.”

“My friend Alexis likens it to jelly.”

“Hm. Okay, you had Jelly Brain. I’m tracking… I get that sometimes.”

He grins at me.


His grin is charming.

So are his words. Each one is casually tossed out without a hint of self-consciousness. He’s acting like we’ve known each other for a long time, which is helpful. I hate meeting people, and his attitude of familiarity is like some sort of magical first-conversation hack.

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