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I’m going to have to figure out how the payment thing will play out, which already feels awkward.

Is it right to accept hundreds of bucks in exchange for mere minutes of work?

“This is messed up,” I mutter to Corinne.

She’s smirking, and I can tell from how her fingers fly over her phone screen that she’s texting my brother. “Oh, go on. Have fun with it. I’m telling Brett that his master plan is unfolding beautifully.”

“There’s a chance there will be nothing beautiful about it.”

It’s hard to make out faces in the crowd over by the hot tub. The curtain of steam rising from the bath forms a hazy cloud. Even though it’s too soon to tell, I don’t like what I see.

Couples, families, a handful of women. A few of them look like they’re in their early twenties. One is in her seventies.

If I just arranged to play boy toy for a grandmother, I’m going to do more than get Brett in a headlock. I’m going to give him a noogie, too.

This is bad.

Really bad.

I made a mistake.

“Don’t look so glum.” Corinne laughs. “You’re about to make 350 bucks. Your first modeling gig!”

“I can’t believe I let you guys talk me into this.”

“Go!” She waves. “Get over there already! I don’t want you to be late.”

I polish off the last of my Corona, shove my feet into my leather sandals, and trek to the hot tub.

Chapter 5


The hot tub is crowded.

I slip off my sandals near a plastic chair and hesitate, unsure how to get in. I just linger at the edge for a few minutes, waiting for people to make room.

They don’t.

Thankfully, an elderly woman eventually climbs out. “Have at it, honey. Be careful, it’s piping hot today.”


If by ‘be careful’ she means enter on an empty stomach after consuming a cocktail for lunch, I’m on point.

I should have grabbed a glass of water from the bar on my way over, but I was too nervous. And now I’m here, and if I don’t take her vacated spot, someone else will.

I sink into the jet-infused, steamy water. Nearby foliage perfumes the salty ocean air with notes of hibiscus and plumeria.

I must be out of my mind to be doing this.

Meeting a guy from Craigslist… in a hot tub?

What am I, an idiot?

Just because he said he was nice doesn’t mean he’s actually nice. I mean, that’s day-one stuff.

Then again, I am literally surrounded by people. My shoulders are three inches from the powerhouse of a woman on my right. She looks like she could kick butt if she had to. Plus, a couple of guys look like they play college rugby across from me. I’m in good company.

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