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“Nola!” Jasmine seconds. “Where’d you come from, girl? Are you here for a visit?”

Brett turns to face his girls. “Yeah, she’ll be here with us while Uncle Jack’s in Hawaii.”

I wait until my brother’s looking at me before hitching my brow. “Hang on. How’d you know?”

He chuckles. “The girls are obsessed with checking the resort’s live feed. Half an hour ago, Jasmine saw Hazel show up by the lagoon. Corinne’s been texting you.”

I yank my phone out of my pocket.

Yep—there they are.

Four texts from Corinne. All with several exclamation marks.

“I was on the phone with the airline, didn’t see…”

“Well, it’s not like you needed our input. You figured it out on your own.” He claps me on the shoulder but then steps in and turns the gesture into a tight, brotherly hug. He slaps my back for good measure.

I’m grinning like an idiot when we part.

I can’t help it.

Thinking about seeing Hazel again and telling her how I really feel is making me into a happy, hopeful idiot.

Over on the lawn, Ophelia does a cartwheel in the grass. Then she scampers toward me with Nola on her heels.

Ophelia’s hug is as tight as her dad’s. Her skinny arms hold me fast and won’t let go. “We’ll take care of Nola Bean. Just don’t come back without telling Hazel that you love her.”

I peer at Brett. “You raising this kid to be a romantic or something?”

He shrugs. “What can I say? Corinne and I have been talking about your situation. Get out of here, Jackie. Go get Hazel.”

Chapter 27


It’s early on Sunday morning. Most of the resort guests aren’t up yet, but I woke up before the sun.

I watched it rise over the waves.

The giant, golden orb tinted the water pink.

The vast ocean spread out as far as my eye could see, an array of dancing colors: blue, purple, pink, and peach.

I dug my toes into the sand, watched the water, and let myself just be.

Since I got here yesterday, I’ve felt a peace I’ve never known. I know it has to do with standing up for myself back home.

Speaking my mind.

Breaking out of that old, people-pleasing habit.

I’ll still be a good daughter. But that won’t be all that I am.

I’m going to be more than that. I can feel that now as I peer down into the dark, forest-green water of the saltwater lagoon.

When Chester’s nose breaks the surface, a ripple of silver rings races across the water’s surface.

“Good morning,” I tell him.

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