Page 101 of Game Over

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I trace the line of her gaze, finding an eccentric-looking man at the end. "Ahh, yes, it is."

"Holy shit."

I grin—she rarely cusses.

"I-I just listened to his new album last week."

"Oh, yeah? I did, too, along with the rest of the country."


I appraise her in all her astonishment, loving every bit of it. In fact, I'd like to see some more. "You wanna meet him?"

"What?! No!" Her eyes widen like a startled deer, nerves bursting about her.

"Are you sureeeee?"

"No, no!" She huffs and puffs. "I'm good, right here."

"Okaaayyy. Tell me if you change your mind."

Not another minute passes, and she's gaping at yet another person. "Oh my... don't tell me..."

"Mhmm," I confirm. "That's her."

"No way... I love her movies! And that show—the one that just came out. I'm blanking on the name..." She snaps her fingers. "Ahh, whatever. But she's amazing in it, and..."

She trails off, explaining some drama series I know nothing about, before she spots another celebrity, which sprouts a whole other tangent. Even so, I soak up each of her words—I mean, actually listen. Not sighing and nodding, thinking about something else, as I would with any other girl. And the longer she rambles, I start to realize something. Well, admit is more accurate, because it's always been there...

There's something between us.

Beyond physical attraction.

And it's mutual.

I feel it. She feels it.

Although, she's probably still in denial, as I have been, for obvious reasons. We're polar opposites. Jeremy's her brother. My promiscuous nature... Honestly, I think we could work those things out. I could change. I am changing, as a result of being around her, even if a part of me opposes the transformation. It's just a fact.

But there's also another fact.

"You deserve someone better," I whisper.

Her rambles stop abruptly. For a moment, she wears the same expression—happy, carefree, as if she didn't hear me at all. Until her smile falters, and I know she did. I wait, feeling sick, as I anticipate her what? or why would you say that? or perhaps the classic what do you mean? The feigned innocence she loves to play, myself included.

It never comes.

She only stares, holding my gaze with a strong, almost defiant grip.

"Don't go any further down this road. Not with someone like me."

"And why not?"

I nearly stumble backwards. I knew it. I knew it, down to my core, but hearing her not deny it... "I'm not good for you, Jule—" My throat burns. "Juliana."

That's right. Juliana. No more Jules. Don't make this any harder on her than necessary.

Hurt flickers across her features, before it's squashed by fire. She huffs. "How very vague of you, Hayden. Is this about... what happened in the hot tub? I know we said it was just physical, but if you're more interested in Olivia, you can just say tha—"

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