Page 37 of Major

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Major just smiled at her, kissing her cheek as she spoke to the older man.

“I’ve loved you from the first moment as well, baby.”

“See, now that’s what I like to hear. Y’all are in love, honey. Everything else will work itself out. Love conquers all. Just ask Matthew.” He stood, waving at the kitchen staff. “Get this gal another bowl of ice cream. This time with caramel sauce and peanuts.”

“Ooohh! That sounds so good,” she smiled. Major could only laugh, watching as she dug into the ice cream. He didn’t care. If it made her happy, she could have as much as she wanted.

As night fell, Bull, Amanda, Erica, and Mia gathered in the grove to play some of their new music. The sounds of strings floated through the air as Erica played her cello, Mia her violin, Amanda her guitar. Bull sang a sweet melody about love healing all wounds, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

Each of them played a solo, then Erica and Amanda played a duet on their violins. When they were done, it was as if the music had made them all relax, ready for a good night’s rest. For Major and Elena, it was a chance to enjoy another erotic shower together, expressing their love once again in their passion for one another.

Elena was sleeping so soundly she didn’t hear her phone buzzing beside her, but Major heard. At first, he was going to let it go to voicemail, but he noticed her mother’s name and decided to answer.

“Good evening, ma’am. This is Major, Elena’s husband.”

“Oh, dear. I’ve forgotten about the time difference, haven’t I?” He smiled at her proper accent.

“Yes, ma’am, but it’s alright. Elena is sleeping, and I’m in the living room now. Is everything alright?”

“Yes. I think so. I spoke to Efram earlier, and I wanted to tell Elena to let this go. Do not get mixed up in this nonsense.” Major frowned, unsure of what to say.

“Ma’am, I’m not sure I want to tell your daughter to drop anything. Whatever your late husband was looking for has followed Elena. We, my team and I, believe that someone wants her, believing she knows something about what was in that tunnel.”

“It’s all nonsense!” she said sharply. Major let out a low growl, not realizing he’d made the sound. She gasped, then calmed her breathing. “I apologize. This is nonsense. Holy relics in Egypt is absurd.”

Major was silent for a moment, just listening. He heard rustling in the background but couldn’t be sure if there was someone else there.

“Ma’am? Are you safe? Is there someone with you?”

“Are you listening to yourself? What an absurd thing to say. My husband is with me. There is no one here, no one searching for me or for Elena. It’s all accidental.”

“Accidental? Ma’am, a doctor tried to abort our child. That’s not accidental. It was intentional. Whatever your late husband was looking for is important enough for someone to want your daughter, want his old diaries. Doesn’t that bother you at all?”

Again, there was silence. He could hear her heavy breathing, and then she was speaking in a low tone to someone.

“My husband is overnighting a journal to you. Send the address to this phone number. If you’re intent on this foolish search, then perhaps this will help you both meet a quicker death.” She hung up, and Major stared at the screen.

“Note to self. Don’t have dinner with my mother-in-law.”


They all anxiously awaited the arrival of the journal. It didn’t arrive the next day but did arrive the following day. It looked exactly like all of the others.

“Well, honey. Go ahead and open it.” She just stared at it, looking from Major to Luke, then to Major’s father, Jalen.

“Elena, do you want us to open it?” asked Jalen. She looked at him, then back at the journal, and shook her head.

“No. No, I’ll open it. I’m just trying to figure out why my mother would have kept this one journal. One out of dozens that we went through. But I know the answer. She knew what was in this and tried to keep it from me.”

“It could contain something dangerous, baby. I mean, if your mother knew what was in this, if she read it or knew about it, then maybe she was trying to protect you.” Major didn’t believe a damn word he was saying. He just hoped Elena believed him.

She untied the leather tie that secured the cover and slowly opened the worn, yellowed pages. She read several pages quickly, noting that it was just about what the plans were for the dig, then found what they were looking for.

She paled, leaning back in her chair as she lay a hand on her abdomen. May moved around the table to sit beside her. She pushed the book away, shutting it.

“Honey, you’re not helping us here. What does it say?” asked Major.

“It’s not about relics. It’s not about anything that we believed it was. It’s something much different that explains why they were looking in Egypt.”

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