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"This is the one thing I will not change my mind about," Potenziana said firmly. "There will be no extensions."

"What about the part that we have to besecretlymarried?" Cat tried to bargain. "Why can't we go public—-"

"That is foryoursake, Cattleya. Because if things do not work out, would you really want the whole world to know this, too?"

"What if he doesn't agree?"

"He will. I am hisnonna,and more importantly, I amLa Strega."

Cat gnawed on her lip. "Can you just tell me why at least? Why two months?"

"Mi dispiace."I'm sorry. "Ma no." But no.

Potenziana could see that her words had somewhat hurt the younger woman, but on this, she had to stand firm.

No one would be happier than her if Catwereto successfully steal her grandson's heart.

But Potenziana also knew just how complex her youngest grandson was, and that was why, for Cat's sake...

It had to be two months or nothing.

Anything longer than that, and Potenziana knew Cat would be so in love with Ezio, that when he inevitably broke her heart, there was no way for the young woman to recover.


EZIO KNOCKED ON THEdoor of his grandmother's study and heard the older woman call out for him to come in.

He found hisfidanzataalso inside the room, seated on one of the chairs acrossLa Strega'sdesk. She turned to him with a smile, and his steps slowed to a halt.


Who knew he was the type to have his heart actuallypoundat the sight of his future wife smiling at him?

"Per l'amor del cielo," he heard his grandmother grouch, "you two are the worst, and you are not even yet married."

Ezio reluctantly turned his gaze away from Cattleya, but it was not because he believed his grandmother was truly annoyed. He knew her too well, and so he also knew that what she felt was the opposite.

The old lady was definitely pleased that he and Cattleya were getting along, and that was how it should be. Good marriages had always been the foundation of theirfamiglia.But right now, that might also prove to be his greatest challenge.

"Sit down,bambino."

Ezio smiled down at hisfidanzata. "You heard her."

Her brows furrowed. "I did, yes, and—-oh!"

She finally understood what he was leading to, with him now occupying the seat she had once occupied, while she was back on his lap, where she belonged.

"This is not proper," hisfidanzataprotested under her breath.

"It absolutely isn't," Ezio agreed pleasantly. "And that's what makes it more enjoyable."

Potenziana was finding it harder and harder to pretend she was annoyed at her youngest grandson. She had prayed and prayed and prayed, oh, how she had prayed that God would help her find a girl who would be right for Ezio.

Because even as a boy, he had been so terribly self-contained.

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