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Che carina. How cute.

His mouth closed over hers, and the way she ceased to struggle almost made him smile.

Ah, piccolina.

Ezio's eyes closed as he savored the taste of hisfidanzata'slips.

He had seen how Cesare had changed overnight ever since meeting Penelope, and he had not been able to understand it.

He had seen the same thing happen to Massimo, with how the other man had fallen for Ysabel despite hating her at the same time.

And I get it now,he thought.

Because it was also happening to him.


Ezio pretended not to hear this. IfSignoraMarchetti wanted him to give up the pleasure of kissing his Cattleya, then she would have to be less subtle—-

"Per carità, bambino! Let the girl breathe!"

More laughter followed as Ezio pulled away with visible reluctance, but when he saw the way Cattleya was blushing yet again, it was just too damn much.

Ezio pulled a stunned Cattleya out of her chair and straight into his lap.


Even Giancarlo himself was hard-pressed not to smile at this point. His youngest brother had always kept to himself, and so it was refreshing, and a great relief as well, to see Ezio acting otherwise.

His gaze drifted to the rest of hisfamiglia.

His little sister Gazelle couldn't look any happier, and his beloved grandmother had a smile on her lips that could only be described in one word, and'humble'was not it.

Cesare and Penelope, Massimo and Ysabel, they, too, were delighted for their newest engaged couple, but equally obvious was how each couple was in a world of their own.

And finally,Sarica.

His gaze turned to his ownfidanzata,and just like always, he caught her staring at him. She quickly looked away, and his lips curved at the way she had also automatically raised her chin as if already preparing to deny the truth.

Un giorno...

One day...

Their turn would come.

But for now, there was a snake in their midst that he had to deal with.

Giancarlo waited until breakfast was over, and most of hisfamigliawas busy saying goodbye to the newlyweds, before catching his younger brother's eye.

Ezio came to stand by his side."Che cos'è?" What is it?

"I looked into it."

His brother stiffened. "And?"

"Whoeveritis, they know enough."

"How enough is enough?"

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