Page 65 of Stars Like Confetti

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Everyone cleared out of Helena’s house after that. Maverick was so upset with Killian that he begged Jackson to take him back to our parents’ house. Killian asked me for the keys to my place so he and Matthias could leave, and that just left me with Blake. I really hoped everyone could get their crap together before the wedding tomorrow. It would be really awkward if everyone was fighting and ruined the day. This was a special occasion. My brother deserved the best.

“So...” Helena patted my knee as she sat down. “You and Blake, huh? You never thought to tell me? I told the two of—you little shit. When Josh kissed you that night and you said you were seeing someone. God, I was so thick.”

I shrugged. “You were busy.”

“Everyone was.” Blake touched my lips with the pads of his fingers, and that action—something that bothered me just a couple of days ago—caused goosebumps to break out over my skin. “We all had our own things going on.”

Helena tilted her head as she watched us. “I suppose.” The smile on her face grew bigger. “I love Matty and Kill, but you two are fucking adorable. Can I take a picture?”

“No.” I shoved Blake’s hand away from my face. “No pictures.”

He nuzzled my neck. “Gretzky, you’re going to be in a lot of pictures over the next couple of days. Get used to that pretty mug being plastered all over social media.”

The thought made my stomach twist, made me feel sick.

“No. I just wanted a new one of the two of you.” Helena stuck her tongue out at me. “Tom, you just sat here letting Blake touch your damn face, scar and all, and you’re worried about a fucking picture? Get over yourself.” She huffed as she stormed into the kitchen.

Blake raised his brows at me. “Everyone is just pissed at everyone today.”

“It appears that way.” I felt my cock perk up when he slid his hands through my hair. “Bug, you need to stop.”

He chuckled softly. “Why’s that?” His tongue dragged over my throat.

“Because I can’t touch you right now,” I reminded him.

“We can leave. Go back to my place.”

“Right, with Killian and Matty there. Who knows who else?”

Blake moved so that he was straddling my waist. “Didn’t stop you this morning.” He nipped at my jaw. “You want me, Tommy?”

“Jesus, yes,” I assured him.

He smiled at me with heat in his green eyes. “Then take me home and have me.”

Helena hardly acknowledged as we said our goodbyes and headed back to Blake’s. We had the rehearsal dinner to get through later, but we could at least give each other quick hand jobs in his bedroom. The drive was less than five minutes, but Blake’s lips were attached to my neck the entire time, and as we climbed from the car, I grabbed his head to kiss him, his body molding against mine.

“I love you so much,” I whispered as I pinned him against the car.

Blake rubbed his crotch against my thigh. “I love you... Mom?”

I spun around to see Monica Duncan sitting on the porch. She looked older, her hair now gray and short. She raised her hand in a little wave. I hadn’t seen her since the day she’d agreed to go into rehab, when I had snuck into her hospital room and had given her a choice. We had kept in touch over the years, but this was different. I watched silently as Blake rushed up the steps to hug her, his cheerful laughter filling the air.

“Baby, it’s so good to see you.” Mrs. Duncan cupped his face. “You look so handsome. Healthy.” Her dark eyes glanced at me before she looked at her son again. “I got in a couple hours ago. Fran and Adele picked me up. I’ll be staying with them for the weekend, but I wanted to see you.”

Blake shook his head. “No, you’ll stay here. With me, in our house.”

“Baby, no. I don’t want to intrude on you and Tom. Or your friends. This is your home now. I’m simply a guest,” she told him.

Blake looked over his shoulder at me. “You’re not intruding. Right, Tommy?”

“Of course not. We’d love to have you here.”

She looked healthy which meant she probably wasn’t drinking. I had my doubts. People fell off the wagon all the time, although the reports I had received from the rehab were promising. I think the stroke scared her enough to make her realize if she kept up that lifestyle, she would end up much worse.

Killian pushed the screen door open. “Mom, how about that lunch?” He held out a plate with the biggest sandwich I had ever seen.

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