Page 38 of Stars Like Confetti

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I gritted my teeth, then gripped the back of his neck. “You’re asking for it.”

“Promises, promises.” His breath was hot against the shell of my ear.

“You’d better stop.”

“Or what?”

I yanked his face up to mine before I could stop myself and then my mouth was on his, my tongue between his lips, and suddenly, I could breathe again. Why was I so reluctant to let Blake kiss me, to let him touch me when he was the one person who meant the world to me? He hummed happily as my hands slipped under his shirt and over the hard muscles of his back. I groaned as his fingers drifted into my hair, his nails scraping over my scalp before I remembered we were sitting in a very public parking lot.

“Bug.” I tore my mouth away from his. “Someone might see.”

Blake smiled at me, his lips wet and rosy from mine. “I don’t care.” He moved to kiss me again but stopped when I shook my head. “Embarrassed to be seen with me?”

“What? Don’t be ridiculous.” I balked. I flinched when his hand came up to touch me. “Bug, what did I say?”

“You just had your tongue halfway down my throat, Tommy. I think you can suck it up and let me do this,” he murmured.

My heart thumped loudly in my chest when the tip of his finger brushed the top of my scar. I stared into his green eyes, waiting for a look of disgust that never came. He slowly worked his way down my face, gliding over the permanent reminder of what had taken away my future, of how my life changed forever. He reached my mouth and then he leaned forward to kiss me softly. A soft sob escaped from my throat.

“You’re perfect, Tommy. Still gorgeous and handsome. I would totally do you.” He blushed the moment the words were out of his mouth but didn’t break eye contact.

Tears slipped down my cheeks. “Don’t lie to me.”

I wanted Blake to kiss me again. I wanted to be strong enough to go inside the restaurant, hold his hand, and make small talk while we ate lunch together. I wanted to take stupid selfies with him like we used to do. I wanted to go visit him while Mulligan was on tour. I wanted all the things we talked about but never had.

But mostly, I wanted him.

“Tommy, I love you, I would never lie to you,” Blake said, gently wiping the tears from my face. Now that I had let him touch me once, I wasn’t about to stop him from putting his hands on me again. “Let’s go home, okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Home sounds good.”

He struggled to climb from my lap, knocking into the horn again. He burst into a fit of laughter. The sound of his joy had goosebumps breaking out over my skin. I reached over and grabbed Blake’s face in my hands, then slid my mouth over his.

“What was that for?” he whispered.

“Because I love you. Now put your seat belt back on so we can get out of here.”


We parked my car at my parents’ house but hurried over to Blake’s place instead. I didn’t feel like dealing with everyone else right now, and honestly, I wanted to get some more alone time with him, kissing him, touching him. It was all I could think about. Once he unlocked the door, I was on him, shoving him back against the couch, and knocking him on his back so I could climb over his body.

Blake just smiled up at me, taking it all in stride like he always did. Those eyes of his watched me as I reached behind my back and tugged my shirt up over my head.

“I like this.” He dragged his hands over the thick auburn hair that had grown in over my chest. “It wasn’t here before.”

“Are you saying I hit puberty?” I teased, then pressed my mouth against his. It was like the floodgates had opened, and I couldn’t stop kissing him.

He let out a soft chuckle that I turned into a low moan when I sucked on his tongue.

“Oh, Tommy.”

“Don’t start that with me, Bug. I want to take my time with you.”

I slipped my hands down to grip the hem of his shirt. The front door slammed shut behind us. I startled and nearly fell off the couch. I twisted around and found Killian and Matthias gawking at us. Blake sat up, eyes fixed on them, but didn’t seem too embarrassed. Had he told them about us?

“If you wanted some privacy, you should have gone upstairs.” Killian wiggled his brows. “Is that what you two of have been doing all morning? Jackson is pissed.”

Matthias shook his head. “He’s not pissed, more like a little worried.”

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