Page 33 of Stars Like Confetti

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His brows dipped. “Why, what?”

“Why did you bring me here?”

The door opened behind the desk, and a man not much older than we were stepped inside the room. “Tom, it’s good to see you.” He moved his eyes to me. “You’ve brought a guest today. I don’t want to assume anything, but is this who I think it is?”

“Yes,” Tommy grunted. “Blake Duncan, this is my therapist, Jamie Little.”

Jamie smiled at me, his blue eyes crinkling around the corners. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Blake.” He held out his hand, and I shook it. “Tom, I have to make sure it’s okay to talk about everything with Blake here.”

“It’s fine.” Tommy sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him.

I made sure to keep space between as I joined him. “You told him about us?”

“He knows everything, Bug.” Tommy reached for my hand and laced our fingers together.

Jamie immediately zoomed in on that. “Are you two back together?” He opened his laptop once he sat down at his desk.

“No,” I answered.

“Maybe.” Tommy squeezed my hand.

I glared at him. “What?” I tried to yank my hand away, but he only held on tighter. “After last night? No, no way.”

“What happened last night?” Jamie asked as he typed on his computer.

I shook my head at Tommy. “Don’t.”

“He slept over, and I had a nightmare. He woke me up and then we messed around.”

Jesus, I guess he really did tell this guy everything. Did he tell him what he had for dinner, too? I felt a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Did he tell him about my mother and what he did to get her to stop drinking?

Jamie’s eyes slowly moved back to us. “What was the nightmare about this time, Tom? Were you getting hit or was it Blake again?”

Wait, what? I slowly turned my head so that I could pin my eyes on Tommy as I waited for his answer.

“You have dreams where I’m the one getting hit in the face? Why didn’t you tell me that?” I whispered.

“Sometimes I do.” He dropped his gaze to his lap. “Jamie said it’s because I regret hurting you, lying to you the way I did.”

“Do you?”

“Every single day since you left.”

I dropped my head back onto the couch. “I really can’t do this.”

“Why not?” Jamie asked, and when I raised my head to look at him, he gave me a soft smile. “Are you seeing someone else? Are you no longer in love with Tom? What’s holding you back from giving him a second chance?”

Tears stung my eyes. “I told Tommy last night that I still loved him, and he couldn’t say it back. He ruined me for everyone else. I haven’t had sex in five years. I’m too scared to move forward because I’m too busy looking back. Thinking that maybe he’ll change his mind and want me again.”

“I’ve always wanted you, Bug,” Tommy whispered.

I choked out a laugh. “That’s funny, because aren’t you the guy who lied to me? Bribed my mother to go to rehab, so I could go live my dreams? Told me now was my chance to go out and see the world, live my dreams, or some bullshit like that? After I told you I didn’t care about that? I didn’t even know you were in an accident until two days ago.”

“I...” Tommy stared at me, his dark orbs searching my face.

“This was a mistake.” I jumped to my feet and had my hand on the door when I heard him.

“I love you, Bug.”

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