Page 115 of Stars Like Confetti

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“When is Jax supposed to be home?” I asked.

Maverick’s eyes lit up at the mention of his husband. “Not soon enough.” He knocked his knuckles against the table. “He and Wyatt will be back tomorrow, though.”

“They were teammates in Boston, right?” I briefly remembered Wyatt from the wedding. “He was dating Asher, or something like that?” I heard briefly from Dean that Wyatt had suddenly left Boston, but I didn’t know the entire story.

Leo shook his head. “That’s old news. He’s dating my brother Noel now. And Seth. Plus, Asher’s with Saint now.”

Wait, who and what? “Seth?” My eyes went wide. “Who’s Seth? He’s dating both of them?”

“A friend of Ezra’s. You’ll meet them both tomorrow. Trust me, you’re going to love Ezra,” Leo answered.

I had already heard all about Ezra from Maverick. They were quite the pair.

Leo struggled to stand up. “I will be so happy when I get this darn cast off.”

Andy was quick to climb to his feet. “What do you need? I’ll get it.”

“Both of you relax. I’ll take care of everything. I have lunch in the oven.” Maverick motioned for them to sit back down as he slid out of his chair. “Are you hungry?” His emerald eyes sparkled with happiness.

Tommy nodded. “Did you just ask a hockey player if he was hungry?” He chuckled as Mav rolled his eyes and headed over to the oven. “We’ve heard all about this Ezra. Jax told me that he and Maverick are best friends.”

“I’m Ezra’s best friend.” Leo balked, slapping a hand against his heart before he giggled. His nails shimmered in the sun. “Ezra is best friends with everyone. You’ll see. He’ll have the two of you wrapped around his finger, too, saying things like boo and wearing makeup.”

Not happening. I leaned back in my chair, my fingers still interlocked with Tommy’s. “And how did you meet this Ezra?”

“Carson.” Maverick carried the casserole dish over to the table and placed it in the center. “You two have a lot of gossip to catch up on. I mean, I try to keep it tame in the band chat, but there is so much happening.” He began dishing out steaming servings of lasagna. The first two plates went to Andy and his boyfriend. It smelled amazing. He winked at me when I took my plate and then slid back into his chair. “I’m so happy you’re here. Jax is going to flip when he sees you, Tom.”

My fiancé was too busy shoveling food into his mouth to answer, but he grunted and nodded his head in agreement.

“Thanks, Mav, we’re happy to be here, too,” I told him.

I knew that Tommy was wary about the whole thing, but if he could survive this, he might be ready to move here, to be closer to his brother; then we could finally create the life we always wanted. Maybe have a couple kids of our own. Whatever he wanted, when he wanted.

Tommy finished chewing his food before he spoke. “I can’t believe that Killian and Matty are going to be parents. Not just parents but having a baby, a little version of one of them. That’s wild.”

“I’ve already told them we would babysit any time they want,” Leo piped up. He blew a raspberry as Andy’s mouth dropped open. “Whatever, hon, we have to prepare for when we have a family.”

Andy’s hazel eyes softened. “You want a family with me?”

“Duh, of course.” Leo leaned toward him. “Only you, though.”

Maverick’s green orbs welled with happiness before he ducked his head and tried to hide the smile that was spreading across his face. “What about you two? Any wedding plans you want to talk about or maybe kids?” he asked.

“Uh?” Tommy’s Adam’s apple bobbed. “I mean, yeah. I’d like some little rugrats of my own someday. I want to get married first, though. Make an honest man out of my bug. We’re waiting for the right time. We want to be settled here first.”

Warmth spread through my belly. “I want that, too.” I hummed. “Dean’s coming, right?” I had briefly spoken with my guitar player about the baby shower. He had said he and Beau would try to make it down.

“Yes!” Maverick clapped his hands with excitement. “He and Beau are flying in later tonight. I miss him so much. We talk every day, but it will be nice to see him in person. It’s been too long. They’re staying at a hotel, though, because they wanted some privacy.”

Tommy snickered. “I bet they did.” He burst into a fit of laughter when Maverick’s mouth dropped. “Please, they just want to fu—have fun. Yep, totally want to just have fun.”

“Do you think we’re not aware of—”

“Andrew!” Maverick cut off his son before he could say anything else. “Uncle Dean and his boyfriend wanted to enjoy this little vacation time together. That’s all.” His ears burned pink as Andy and Leo snickered.

I glanced across the table where Andy sat speaking softly to his boyfriend, then found Maverick beaming at me. He winked before he took a small bite of his lasagna. This was... surprisingly nice. We had visited with Jax and Mav in Boston twice before they moved down to North Carolina. While we’d had fun, it never felt like this. There was a lot of love inside these four walls. This house was definitely a home.

“Okay, I’m done eating. Can you come listen to my song?” Andy grabbed his plate along with Leo’s and placed them in the sink. “Please, please, please? This is a big deal.”

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