Page 106 of Stars Like Confetti

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“Looking back, we both handled things wrong. You were trying to help me, and I couldn’t see that. I do now. Thank you.” I should have said that then, but I couldn’t change how things went between us. Only make sure it didn’t happen again.

Tommy eased his big body down next to mine and gathered me into his arms. He buried his face against my neck, his breath hot against my skin. When he didn’t speak, I carded my hands through his auburn hair, my heart thumping loudly. This was what had been missing from my life, and I would never let go of it again.

“I asked your mom.” His lips brushed my neck, causing goosebumps to break out over my skin.

I rested my chin on his head as I closed my eyes. “Asked her what, Gretzky?”

“If she would let us get married,” Tommy whispered. “I wanted her approval.”

I pulled back to look at him. His eyes sparkled with tears and happiness; his lips turned up into a mischievous smile.

“And what did she say?” I brushed the hair from his forehead.

“That she would be honored to have me as her son-in-law.” Tommy’s voice trembled. “After how horrible I was to her, the way I tricked her into going to rehab, she said she loved me. That my heart had been in the right place, and she was thankful every day for me. Because she’s been clean ever since.”

I slid my lips over his. “You saved her life.”

“I never thought of it like that. I only thought about you.”

“I need to thank you.”

Tommy shook his head. “I didn’t... You shouldn’t... Bug.”

He buried his face against me again, and I felt the tears that began to flow. I wrapped my arms around him as he cried, the loud sobs shaking us both as he let it out. If I could go back to that day, the one where I accosted him on the front steps of this house, I would. I would change everything. Instead of yelling and screaming, I would kiss him. Tell Tommy he was amazing for helping me. My mother. At eighteen years old, he did what he thought was right for me. He might have thought it was for both of us, but I know better. Tommy had wanted the world for me.

The sound of the sliding glass door, followed by Killian’s loud laughter, had Tommy pulling away and wiping at his face. I leaned forward to nuzzle his nose, drag my tongue over the tears that hadn’t dried yet, and pressed my mouth against his.

“Hope you’re not fucking!” Killian shouted.

I turned to see my singer and Matthias headed our way, stripping off their shirts before they sat down on the edge of the pool. Killian winked at me before he wrapped an arm around Matthias, pulling him closer. I watched as he reached down to flick water up at his fiancé, who shouted and shoved Killian into the pool. I threw my head back laughing as he came back up, pushing his dark curls from his forehead.

“Babe, I thought you loved me.” He pouted and then yanked Matthias into the pool with him, fusing their lips together. I liked this fun, playful version of Killian.

“I asked Blake to marry me,” Tommy blurted.

Killian and Matthias broke apart to stare at us.

I held out my hand as they both tried to get out of the pool, knocking into one another and laughing. “I said yes.”

Killian stopped to help Matthias before they approached me. “You like that hideous thing?” He grinned.

“Killian.” Matthias hissed as he leaned down.

“Babe, that thing is four kinds of gaudy,” Killian murmured. He fingered the necklace that hung around his fiancé’s neck. “Not like the things I spoil you with.”

I snuggled closer to Tommy. “It’s perfect.” My brows dipped. “Is that a heart?” I asked as I stared at Matthias.

“Yeah.” He gave Killian a lovesick smile. “He said it was his heart.”

Tommy made a gagging noise. “Whipped.” He coughed.

“Damn right I am.” Killian nodded. He broke out into a huge grin that lit up his face.

Matthias blushed and shook his head. “Congratulations, Blakey.”

“Yeah, congrats, man. I’m happy for the two of you.” Killian sat down on the chair Tommy had been lying on. He reached his hand out to Matthias, who took it and sat down next to him.

Tommy threaded our fingers together. “That just leaves Dean.” He turned to stare at Killian when he grunted. “You still don’t approve?”

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