Page 93 of Amnesia

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Watson was quicker about getting my pants and underwear off than I was with him before he splayed his body over mine to continue kissing me. One hand slipped between us so he could wrap it around my dick, and when he slowly began to pump me, I swear I saw stars. He moved in even, moderate strokes as his tongue caressed mine until I thought I might lose my mind.

“Watson.” I dug my nails into his shoulder. “You have to stop.”

He sank his teeth into my bottom lip. “Close, baby?” he teased before he released me. “I have something for you.”

“You have something for me?”

“Yeah, something that belongs to you that I need to give back.”

Watson stood up, and I propped myself up on my arms as he disappeared from the bedroom. When he returned, he held his hand out toward me.

“That’s...” I stared down at the Xfinity ring in his palm. “You had the chain fixed?”

Watson shrugged as he gave me a bashful smile. “Killian and Matthias might have helped. Holt, I’m so damn sorry. I shouldn’t have taken this from you. My stupid brain, fuck.” He closed his eyes. “I don’t blame you if you don’t want it back. I can get you something else, something better if that’s what you want, or maybe you don’t want a ring at all. That would make sense, too.”

“Don’t call yourself stupid,” I growled, causing Watson’s eyes to pop back open. “Will you put it on for me? Until we can get it resized? Because that ring, that one right there? That’s the only one I ever want from you.”

Watson didn’t hesitate as he moved to unhook the clasp and hang it around my neck before using his knuckle to turn my head back up at him.

“It looks good on you, Holt.” He pressed his forehead against mine. “I’m so—”

“I know, baby, and no matter how many times we tell one another that, it won’t change what happened. I fucked up. You fucked up. We said horrible things, we did terrible things, but in the end? We’re still here. You found your way back to me because we were meant to be.” I saw the way he took a shaky breath, his Adam’s apple moving when he swallowed down his nerves. “Ask me again.”

Watson’s brows went up. “Ask you?”

“You just gave me a ring; shouldn’t you be asking me something?”

Watson broke into a wide smile. “You want me to ask you to marry me again?” His voice caused goosebumps to break out over my skin. “Shit, I’ll ask you that every day for the rest of my life until our wedding day. Even after we get married, I’ll ask you.” He sunk to one knee. “Holt Alexander Walker, will you marry me?”

Tears filled my eyes. “Fuck yes, I will.” I nearly knocked him over as I kissed him, wrapping both my arms and legs around his body to get as close as I possibly could.

Watson laughed, the sound filling me with a happiness I hadn’t felt since before his accident. “It’s not like I thought you’d say no, but still. I might have been a little worried.” He stood up with me in his arms and placed me on the bed. “Watson and Holt,” he whispered, and covered my body with his.

“Watts and H,” I murmured back.

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as he rolled onto his back so that I was above him. “Yeah, baby, I like the sound of that.”

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