Page 71 of Amnesia

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Watson moved to lie down on the couch and made room so I could tuck myself in front of him. He reached up to grab the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around both of us, his arms circling around my waist. “Do you think we could, I don’t know, be a couple?” he murmured. “Or is that not something you would be interested in with me?”

“You want us to be exclusive?”

Watson buried his head into my neck. “Yeah.” He held me closer. His brain still knew. He might not understand what was going on between us, but fuck; somewhere deep inside, he still knew.

“I’d like that,” I whispered. When he didn’t answer, I twisted my frame around to find him sleeping again. I cradled Watson’s face in my hands. “I will always want you, Watson James. No matter what,” I assured him. “I’ll take care of you, baby. No matter what happens.”

He muttered something in his sleep and snuggled back against me. Then he shook his head. “Shit, did I fall asleep again? Wait, did you answer me about being a couple?” Watson’s eyes searched my face.

“Yes.” I smiled, dragging my hand through his hair.

He nodded. “Wait, yes? As in, yes?”

“Exclusively yours.” I grinned, and when I saw that he was going to get all excited, I shook my head. “Don’t go getting all rowdy on me, Watson. You’re already exhausted. We can save that for another day,” I promised. Just like me telling you about us. The real us. The us you keep having dreams about.

He rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He huffed. “Can we order some food? I’m starving. Oh, how about Chinese?”

I chuckled. “That sounds good.” I started to wiggle out from under the blanket. “You want to move in here with me?”


“That would be what I mean.”

Watson slapped my ass playfully. “Damn right I do.” He grinned.

Then after that, I can tell you the truth. Before you figure it out on your own.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I was tired. All. The. Time. It was like that seizure just zapped all the energy out of my body and I couldn’t get it back, no matter how much sleep I got. And, trust me, I was getting a lot of it. More than I was used to, but I had no other choice.

Friday afternoon, Holt and I headed down to Talladega with the rest of the team. I might not be driving, but I certainly wanted to show my support for my crew. I slept the entire plane ride there and woke to Holt gently shaking me awake. He had tried to convince me to stay home but that meant staying with Mom and Dad, something I wasn’t about to do. The doctor told me it was fine to travel, after another visit with him this morning, just as long as someone was around to watch me most of the time. Like I was a child. A toddler who needed their hand held crossing the street. Absolute bullshit.

“This weekend is going to be great.” I grunted before I stretched my arms over my head. “Me missing most of it while you spend the time waking my ass up.”

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