Page 69 of Amnesia

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Mason helped me get Watson into the apartment, where he slept for the rest of the day. I had to leave to go to the shop in the afternoon, which I hated to do, so I texted him and left him a note. I was surprised to find him sitting on the couch when I returned. He had changed into a pair of sweats and a clean shirt, but his hair was matted down on one side of his face from where he had been sleeping. It hurt my heart to see Watson look so drained. He was already having such a hard time dealing with his memory issues but now throwing in not being able to drive into the mix? It was going to eat him alive.

“Hi.” I dropped my keys and phone on the counter, flashing him a smile.

Watson jutted his chin at me. “Hi,” he muttered.

“Nope, we’re not doing that thing where we feel sorry for ourselves right now,” I told him as I walked over to the couch so I could climb into his lap. “We’re going to order some dinner, enjoy ourselves, and then if you’re a good boy—” I tilted his head, so he had no choice but to meet my eyes. “Maybe I’ll suck your cock.”

Watson’s eyes flashed with want. “I’ll be a good boy,” he promised.

“I know.” I brushed my lips over his before he shoved me over onto the couch and splayed his body over mine. “Be careful,” I reminded him.

“Holt,” he murmured, his breath warm and minty. “What if this is the end? What if my career is over before it’s just begun?”

I searched his face, taking in the sadness, the fear, and everything he was showing me. “I won’t let that happen,” I promised, running the back of my hand over his cheek. “I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re back in a race car. As soon as you’re cleared to start working out again, we’ll hit the gym. As soon as you’re cleared to drive? I’ll be there. You’ll be damn sick of me, you’ll be looking for your own place to live,” I teased.

“You would do that? For me?”

“I would do anything for you.”

Watson pressed his lips together. “H, I... I need you,” he whispered.

My stomach fluttered, and heat exploded inside my body. “Baby, I don’t think—”

“Please, I need to feel you, be inside you, and I just... You said you weren’t a virgin, right?” His dark eyes searched my face.

I shook my head. “No.” Because you took care of that already.

“You’re blushing,” Watson murmured. “It’s so damn hot when you get nervous about sex.” He pressed his lips against my neck as he started to pepper wet kisses over my skin, his hands dipping down to the hem of my shirt. “Say yes, Holt. I’ll be gentle, let you take the reins, and go at your own place.” He eased my thighs open with his knee, and I groaned when he made contact with my erection.

My hips bucked. “Watson.”

When he stopped to stare at me, the look in his eyes made every doubt in my mind disappear. I grabbed his head to seal my mouth to his as my body trembled beneath him. Goosebumps pebbled over my body as Watson’s hands slipped under my shirt, and he rubbed his hard cock against mine.

“Is that a yes?”

He nipped at my bottom lip. His fingers brushed my peaked nipples as his tongue invaded my mouth. I loved how our tongues felt rubbing together, the sound of his grunts rumbling through his chest. I loved him.

I grabbed at his hair to yank his face away from me. “Yes.” I finally get the smile I’d needed from him all day. “If you start to feel off or it gets to be too much, you need to tell me.” I released his hair.

“Absolutely.” Watson nodded. “You have supplies?”

I felt that blush start to creep up over my face. “Uh, yeah. In the bedroom, next to the bed.”

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