Page 53 of Amnesia

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Chapter Nineteen


I was never so happy to see the racetrack on Friday. I hated that apartment. Okay, no, I didn’t; but I hated being there by myself. I wasn’t supposed to be there alone. Watson was supposed to be with me. Every single time I went into the bedroom, I wanted to put my fist through the wall because it was supposed to be our bed, our place, and he was back with our parents. Half the time, I ended up sleeping on the couch because I found myself reaching for someone who wasn’t there next to me.

Mom had told me I could stay there if I wanted but being near Watson was too much for me. Seeing him, hearing him, everything about him was too much. It was bad enough that he was going to be at the track this weekend, even though he couldn’t drive, staying in our RV, and I was going to have to see him and make awkward conversation. At least I would be busy.

“You can’t avoid me anymore, H.” Watson greeted me as I stepped inside the RV on Friday afternoon. He waved a hand at me when I tried to object. “Don’t try to deny it. Your one word text messages do that for you.” He stood up. “I miss you,” he admitted.

I tugged my bag up closer to my shoulder. “You do?” I hadn’t expected that.

“Why does that surprise you? Why is everyone acting so weird? Mom, Dad, you? Hell, even Mason. I’m starting to think it’s me. Way to give a guy a complex.”

I swallowed nervously. “How are Mom and Dad acting weird?” I knew the answer, but I needed to hear it from him.

“Dad’s sleeping in your room.” Watson sat back down and dragged a hand through his blond hair before he met my gaze again. I noticed a splash of freckles on his face, like maybe he had spent some time in the sun.

“I don’t... He’s sleeping in my room?”

“I know they fight, every couple does, but I’ve never seen them like this. It scares me.”

Watson looked heartbroken.

“How so?” I asked softly.

“They’re talking in these hushed, angry tones. When I walk into the room, they stop and glare at each other. Is it because of me? Because of the crash? Are they mad because I can’t remember things?” He dragged his hands through his hair again and tugged on the ends before he let out a loud sigh.

I dropped my bag before I moved to sit down next to him. “It’s not your fault,” I assured him.

“Yeah, well, it kind of feels like it is.”

“Watson.” I reached out to touch him but stopped right before my hand made contact with his face. He stared at me, his eyes landing on my lips before they dropped to my hand. “It’s not you, trust me.” All the air in the RV suddenly disappeared. I couldn’t breathe, and if I didn’t get out of here, I was going to do something really stupid.

Watson suddenly gripped my fingers. “I miss you,” he said again. “Are we still friends, Holt?”

“Of course.” I gasped.

“Why doesn’t it feel like that way? Why does it feel like you’ve pulled away? Like you’re hiding something from me?”

“I-I’m not.”

Watson’s dark eyes felt as if they were burning into my soul as he stared at me. Again, he gazed at my lips before he dragged his teeth over his own.

“Why did you really move out? Why are Mom and Dad whispering angrily when they think I can’t hear them?” He tugged me closer. “Why am I having these dreams—”

A knock at the door caused us to jump, and I’d be lying if I didn’t feel relief course through me.

“You two fuckers in there?” Mason’s voice boomed cheerfully. “Miles is looking for you.”

Watson stood up as he laughed nervously. “You could have texted me,” he shot back.

“Tried that. You’re ignoring me,” Mason answered.

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