Page 5 of Amnesia

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“Watson?” I spun around at my name to find Holt watching me. “Are you all, right? What are you doing out here?” he asked.

I let my eyes move to his lips. God, they were perfect. Just like the rest of him. Pink, plump, and so kissable. Wait, no. That wasn’t right. Not kissable. Well, maybe a little. I liked men and woman, I just... Holt was Holt. It wouldn’t be right to kiss him. I swallowed nervously.

“I needed somewhere to think.”

“Right.” He nodded before crossing his arms over his chest. “You weren’t planning on retaliating, were you? Going to find Jones or something like that, right? That would be very bad. You know it wasn’t on purpose. He apologized to me several times.”

Was he always this adorable, or was it the booze talking?

I rolled my eyes. “What? No. Why would I do that? For you? Please.” I made a raspberry sound with my lips. Only, when Holt stepped closer, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Why was he so close to me now? Why was I staring at his mouth again? Why did I want to fucking kiss my stepbrother all of a sudden?



Holt flashed his crooked smile with his white teeth at me. “You’re acting weirder than normal, Watson. Are you sure you’re all right?”

He was so close to me I could smell him. The sweet body wash he always used mixed with the scent of gasoline from working around cars all day. He was warm and familiar. He wasn’t much of a drinker, but I knew he’d had a few beers tonight. Nothing that would make him intoxicated, but enough that he was probably a little tipsy.

“Sure, perfect. Never better. I won the damn race. Gotta fill up that trophy room, remember?” I grinned at him. The race he could have been severely injured at if that motherfucker hadn’t been paying attention.

“Uh, you look mad now,” Holt teased and stared up at me wide-eyed.

I grabbed him and pinned him against the building.

“Watson.” My name came out in a gasp. My full name, which no one used except my mother when she was pissed at me.

“What are you doing?” he whispered.

I pressed my body against his. “You could have been hurt, Holt,” I reminded him.

“I’m fine, promise. It’s just a bruise. I’ll heal just like all the times before.”

“You could have been injured or maimed or worse...” My voice caught in my throat when I thought about the something worse part.

We were best friends. He was my stepbrother, my favorite person in the whole damn world. I would be nothing without him. His dark hair moved in the light breeze, his bright eyes searching my face for a sign of what was going through my head. He was my lifeline. My person, and as much as I wanted to beat the living shit out Jones, doing that would accomplish nothing.

Holt reached up to cup my head between his hands. “I’m fine, Watson.” The way he called me by my full name. God, my dick really liked that tonight. “You’ve done much worse when we’ve been horsing around.” He dragged the pads of his thumbs over my cheekbones. “You shouldn’t get yourself so worked up over this. It’s just me. Nothing to worry over.”

My mouth landed on his before I had a chance to think twice about it, alcohol clearly impairing my brain. The soft moan that Holt made was enough to let me know it was the right choice. When I dragged my tongue over his bottom lip, he opened for me, his tongue meeting mine.

God, this felt good. So good, and so right. Holt’s perfect, taut body fit against mine, and when he whimpered into my mouth as our tongues slicked together, I felt like my cock might explode in my pants. I gripped him tighter, brought him closer, and Holt’s hands gripped the front of my shirt.

“If something had happened to you, I would never be the same,” I murmured. Wait a damn second. What the hell was I doing? I pulled away as I stared at Holt. “I’m drunk,” I told him.

He nodded. “Obviously.” Holt’s lips were swollen from my kisses, and I could see faint little burn marks from my stubble on his skin. A blush had started to creep up his neck and face, but it only made me want him more. Had he enjoyed that as much as I had? Had Holt ever thought about kissing me like this before tonight?

Holt knew I was a bit of a fuckboy. He knew I was bi, but he was the only one; although I’d never put a name on what I was because I didn’t care. I liked sex because it felt good. Didn’t matter who was on the receiving end. I tried not to bring too many girls back to our RV, but when I did, he was usually in bed.

“This didn’t happen. I understand,” Holt said. Only it had, and I liked it more than I wanted to admit to him. “Watson?” His brows were furrowed together.“Do you want to go back inside?”

I shook my head. “We should go back to the RV.” My lids were suddenly so heavy I felt like I couldn’t keep them open.

“You want to say goodbye to everyone first?” Holt asked.

“No, we can just... They all know how drunk I am. The bar has my credit card for the tab. They’ll be good until the place kicks them out.”

Holt nodded. “I’ll get us an Uber then.” He reached for his phone.

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