Page 30 of Amnesia

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“You’re not freaked out or anything? That I’m with a guy or that he’s my stepbrother?” I asked.

“I always known you weren’t straight, Watts,” Mason told me. “You might not have brought guys back when we were doing our thing, but I saw you. I couldn’t give two shits. If Holt makes you happy, then I’m happy. We’re friends.” He ruffled my hair until I elbowed him. “It’s kind of, I don’t, strange, but it’s not like you’re the first one to end up with your step sibling. You know, London reads books like that all the time. Stepbrother, stepsister. That kind of shit.” He smirked. “Super sexy stuff that gets her going.”

I held up my hand. “Do not tell me about your sex life with your wife,” I warned, just as the head of NASCAR walked in. “So, we’re cool?” I muttered. When he nodded, relief flooded my body.

Now all I had to do was get out there and get a decent finish.


I wanted a decent finish, but I didn’t expect second place. I pulled that one right out of my ass. What was more enjoyable was that Mason finished first, which meant the two of us had back-to-back interviews after the race. I wasn’t complaining. I was more than happy to promote my sponsors, talk about the race, hell even myself, which isn’t something I usually liked to do. But I really wanted Holt tonight. I wanted to touch him, feel him, and hell, have his mouth on mine. At least I wasn’t alone. Having my friend and teammate by my side was always a good time. We could laugh and make jokes about things no one would understand.

“Watts, do you ever think you’re going to settle down?” Someone, I think it was a podcast guy, Seth something or other, was talking to me. I’d had issues with this dude in the past. He was one of those nosey, gossipy sports people who cared more about our personal lives than the actual sport itself. “Mason seems to be a good influence on you. Any chance you might follow in his footsteps soon?”

God, the balls of these damn people sometimes. I needed to tread lightly here. I leaned forward in my chair as I tried to approach this topic without upsetting my boyfriend and not outing us at the same time.

“Why, Seth, are you asking me out?” Everyone chuckled at my joke while Mason kicked me under the table so hard, I flinched. I watched the flush that spread up Seth’s neck and face. Well, well, did I just hit on something I had no idea about?

He coughed nervously. “No, but the rumor is you’ve been quiet around the track this weekend. Staying close to your RV, so people were speculating—”

“People, or do you mean you were speculating?” I smirked.

Where the hell was my Jenna, my PR girl right now? She was supposed to stop this shit before it got out of hand. I certainly couldn’t walk out of here without finishing the rest of these interviews.

Now Seth was redder than Mason’s fire suit. He dragged a hand through his copper hair. “Uh, well...” He stumbled over his words.

“Let me just stop you before this gets out of control.” I tapped on the table as I got ready to drop a bomb no one was prepared for. “I have a reputation, everyone knows that, but I do see myself settling down, having a few kids, that whole thing. And yes, I am seeing someone.” The crowd exploded into absolute chaos, and when I glanced over at Mason, who had eyes as wide as saucers, he simply shook his head at me.

“When do we get to meet her, Watts? Is she here at the race this weekend?” Seth pushed.

You sweet summer child. “He is, yes, but we’re not ready to go public yet.” I crossed my arms over my chest as the room went absolutely feral.

Mason covered his microphone before he leaned over to me. “You are so fucked,” he hissed.

Seth jumped to his feet as he tried to get my attention. “So, you’re gay?” he exclaimed.

“Never said that,” I answered.

“Bi?” Seth tried again.

Jenna suddenly appeared by my side. “This interview is over. Thank you.” She dug her nails into my arm. “You are in big trouble, Watts,” she growled. “No more questions for this one tonight.” She tried to drag me from my chair, which was impossible, since she was Jenna and I was, well, six foot three, two hundred plus pounds of muscle.

I stood up and followed her out of the room. “Don’t start with me.” I grinned. “You’re supposed to stop that shit from happening,” I reminded her.

“And you’re not supposed to do that, Watts!” She put her hands on her hips. “A boyfriend? Really? Are you crazy? Because the last I knew, you were straight? When did that change, or have you been hiding that from me all along?”

“I’m bi,” I corrected her.

Jenna narrowed her eyes. “Is this because of Holt? I know your stepbrother is gay, and you’re besties or whatever, but seriously?” She sighed.

“Don’t bring Holt into this,” I growled.

She stared at me until realization flashed in her blue eyes. “No, oh no.” Jenna reached up to twist her blond ponytail around her fingers. “No, Watts, tell me you didn’t.” She dragged her bottom teeth across her bottom lip.

I raised my brows. “I didn’t what, Jenna? Because you know I’m not the brightest bulb here.” I watched the way she unlocked her cell and clicked around for a second. “Well, there’s nothing out there, so maybe you two have been discreet enough that we can stop it before it gets out of hand.”

“What are you talking about? Stop what?”

“Did you fuck Holt? Is that what we’ve got going on here? Because I know you two spend a lot of time together. It’s bound to happen. Two good-looking men stuck in an RV together. You get horny, stuff happens. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t happen sooner.” She said it so casually, like Holt was just a piece of ass that meant nothing to me.

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