Page 29 of Amnesia

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Chapter Ten


Mason sat down next to me in the drivers’ meeting before the race Sunday morning, and I had to stop myself from getting up. If I did that it, everyone would know something was wrong. We were teammates and friends, after all, and we always sat together. I did, however, move my chair away from his without even glancing in his direction. Last night had been good—no, better than good... fucking great—with Holt. He was my happy place, and once he made me feel like myself again, made me come, and I returned the favor, we stuffed ourselves with pizza, fooled around again, and then slept like babies in my bed.

I would not let Mason Pelletier ruin that for me.

“Mature, dude.” He grunted.

I ignored him when I wanted to punch him in the face. I didn’t even give him the finger or look in his direction. I simply continued to scroll through my phone as I waited for the meeting to start.

“Are you going to just pretend I’m not here? Not text me back? Act like I don’t even exist? We have to work together. We’re a team. We’re friends, man,” Mason reminded me.

My head shot up. “Friends? Oh, is that what we are?” I leaned toward him. “Because friends wouldn’t pull what you did yesterday.” I realized everyone was turning to look at me because I had raised my voice. “Friends wouldn’t scare my boyfriend the way you did. You’re an asshole.”

“I’m the asshole?” Mason placed his palm over his chest like I had wounded him and stared at me with wide eyes. “How am I the asshole in all this? Do you even hear yourself right now? Wait a second, did you just call Holt your boyfriend?”

Rand Shepard suddenly planted a hand on either of my shoulders. “You guys are a bit loud. What’s going on? Lover’s quarrel?” He smirked.

“Go fuck yourself.” I shrugged his hands off.

Shepard and I never really got along. I think because he thought I was trying to steal his best friend when he settled down first, or maybe because I was willing to have sex with him. No, not like that, although I would have if Mason asked. Mason was into threesomes, foursomes, whatever, and Rand didn’t like to share. Mason—again, before he got married—was the kind of dude who didn’t have a problem with another man in the bedroom, like me. Although I don’t think Mason ever had sex with men like I had.

Rand’s hand clamped back down on my shoulder before his face was in mine. “Say that again, Watts, because I haven’t gotten into any fights in a while. I’d be more than happy to rectify that situation this morning.” The smile he flashed didn’t reach his eyes.

“That’s enough.” Hutch Kelly, his crew chief, pushed him off me. “You, too, Brooks. I’m not sure what’s gotten into you assholes today, but if anyone throws a fist, I’ll be throwing the one that knocks you both into next week,” he warned. “Sit down, shut up, and leave each other the hell alone.” He shoved at Shepard’s back. “Go sit down.”

I turned to look at Mason, who looked exactly like I felt. That was very unlike Hutch. He was usually very quiet, laid back, and hardly said much to anyone.

“That was—”

“Weird.” Mason finished for me.

I snorted. “Right? Dude is Zen as fuck, like all the time. Who pissed in his coffee this morning?” I glanced behind me where it looked like Hutch was scolding Shepard like a child. It was odd to see Rand, the six foot five, tattooed, former bad boy being punished like that. It was almost comical.

“Hey.” Mason smacked my arm before he shifted his chair closer. “About yesterday... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. At least not with Holt around or without knowing the truth.” He tilted his head. “Are you guys, you know, in love or whatever?”

I gripped the back of my neck. “Yeah, yeah we are.” I nodded.

“Seriously? You?”

“What, you don’t think I’m capable of loving someone?”

Mason shook his head. “You’re kind of the biggest fuckboy, man, and that’s saying a lot, since my best friend was pretty bad until he found Brooklyn.” He clapped a hand on my shoulder. “I’m happy for you.” He grinned.

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