Page 14 of Amnesia

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“What the fuck time is it?” Watson grunted before rolling onto his back. “You know we’re off this week, right? You don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn.”

My eyes went wide at the bruise on his chin and the way his lip had swollen to twice its size. That was not going to be something he couldn’t hide from his mother.

“Go back to bed,” I murmured. “I’m going to the gym.”

His hand wrapped around my wrist as I started to climb from the bed.

“You’re coming back, right?” His eyes pleaded with me.

I might have melted into a puddle of goo at his words if I wasn’t too worried about his face. “Duh, of course. I owe you a blowie.” I tried to play it cool, tried to pry his fingers from my wrist, but he only held on tighter. “Watson?”

He tugged on my arm. “I’m serious, H. Come back, okay?”

My brows dipped at his words.

“Hey...” I moved to brush my lips over his cheek. I was scared to touch his lips right now. “I promise I’ll come back to you,” I murmured.

This seemed to satisfy Watson, because a smile slipped over his face, only for him to groan. “Fuck, my mouth.” He grunted, and when he reached up to touch his lips, he let out a yelp. “Oh hell.” He sat up. “How bad is it?”

I grimaced. “Not that bad,” I lied.

Watson flopped back onto the bed. “Bring me home something to eat,” he muttered before yanking the pillow over his head.


I felt like I was sneaking around when I left my room for the gym. I grabbed my gym clothes to rush across the hall to the bathroom I shared with Watson, brushed my teeth, slapped on some deodorant, and then quickly yanked off my pajama bottoms so I could put on my workout clothes. I ran a comb through my hair and slipped on my socks and sneakers before I remembered my phone. I hurried back to my room to a now snoring Watson, who I stopped to admire much longer than I should.

I kept expecting to run into my dad or his mom. Guilt riddled me to the bones. What we did wasn’t exactly wrong, but I knew they would probably be disappointed either way, and I didn’t want them to find out like this. We needed to be honest. We should tell them. When I made it out of the house, to my car and out of the driveway, I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and drove to the gym, telling myself I would talk to Watson about this. That if he wanted to be with me, if that’s what his plan was, we would have to talk to our parents. Tonight, if possible.

The gym was mobbed when I got there, but I managed to find an unoccupied treadmill, got in a quick run, and then did some free weights. I had started working out because of my job. Because those tires were damn heavy, and even though I worked out with the rest of the pit crew every day, I liked to do my own thing, too. I had bulked up a lot since I started this job, but I would never have the muscle Watson had because my body wasn’t built the way his was, and I was okay with that. I liked his body way more than mine, anyway.

On the way home, I stopped at the drive-thru to grab some coffee and McDonald's breakfast for Watson before I headed home. Both our parents’ cars were gone, and I happily walked into my room, only to find my bed empty. I left the coffee, along with the bag of food, on the dresser and found Watson’s room the same way. Empty.

Had he freaked out just like I thought he might? Had he needed to get as far away from me as possible because he didn’t like me that way? I knew this was a mistake. Fuck.

“H.” I spun around to find Watson standing in nothing but a towel and holding a bag of ice to his mouth. “How was your workout?” His dark eyes moved over my face. “You look worried. Something happen while you were gone?” He reached up to touch my face with his long fingers.

I shook my head. “No... I... My workout was good. Gym was busy. I brought food like you asked.” I started to go back to my room, only to have Watson’s arm come out to block me.

“What’s going on?”


Watson moved his giant body in front of me. “Why are you lying to me?” He moved the ice, and I was relieved to see the swelling had gone down, but the bruising on his jaw was still pretty ugly. “I might be stupid, but I’m not that stupid.”

“You’re not stupid.” I balked and dropped my gaze to his bare feet. God, even those were sexy. “I just... I thought you had left when I didn’t find you in my room.”

Watson’s hand gripped my chin, forcing me to look back up. “Why would I do that? You brought food.” His lips twitched as he tried not to smile. “I wanted to shower before you got home. Make myself all clean for you.” His eyes were full of something I had never been on the receiving end of before, causing desire to shoot up my spine and curl inside my stomach.

“Watson.” I felt like I couldn’t breathe when he looked at me like that. “What... What are we doing? I mean, is this...?” I didn’t really want him to answer that question. Not really. Because if he broke my heart, I might not ever recover.

He cupped my cheek with his free hand. “I don’t know what this is or what we’re doing, Holt, but I like it,” Watson whispered before brushing his lips over mine. “Fuck, that hurts.”

“Maybe no kissing for now?” I suggested.

“Uh, no. I’m kissing you because it feels right.” Watson dropped the bag of ice to the floor at his feet, then did just that.

All my worries disappeared as he caged me in against the wall, his tongue suddenly filling my mouth. I groaned softly as his body splayed over mine, his hard muscles making my body heat.

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