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My phone chimes and I glance down, realizing she sent me a message. I really like you, Damien.

The text makes me smile like a fool. I really like you too, I fire back. The more time we spend together, the more I feel that she’s perfect for me. When I'm with her, it's like we're in our own little world, oblivious to everything else.

Back at my place, I walk into the elevator and press the button for my floor. Like most nights, I'm going to be sleeping at the office because it's just more comfortable. Although it becomes less and less comfortable the more time I spend with Zoe. Maybe because I finally realize that there's something missing in my life.

I make my way inside to the pull-out couch, thinking about her instead of work. I've never been so hung up on someone that they've been more important than my company, but at this point I'm starting to think she might be. I go over to the windows and overlook the city skyline, watching the twinkling lights and the stars.

This place used to feel like home, but now it feels empty and cold.

I wish she was here.

I wish we were spending this time together and that she was staying the night with me.

As I think all of these thoughts, I hear a knock at the door and make my way over. Some small part of me hopes that she had followed me here and is on the other side of the door.

But a quick glance at the screen and the security camera outside my door tells me it's not Zoe. No, the person that's outside that door waiting for me is Cameron.

I ignore his knock and make my way over to my desk, pulling a bottle of bourbon from the bottom drawer. Taking a deep drink directly from the bottle, I turn around and relax back against my desk. In such a short time, everything in my life has changed, but I'm not sure I can give it up for the world.

Cameron knocks again. “I know you’re in there, Damien. Open up, brother.”

Chapter Fifteen


As I let myself in the front door, I feel giddy and excited.

Maybe I should feel nervous because Cameron knows where I live and clearly feels comfortable inviting himself over. But Damien had walked me up to the front door just to make sure that I was safe, planted a kiss on my lips, and left.

I wish he had stayed, but it's better that he didn't. I already have plans for the night, plans with my friends to watch a movie. I guess Ben had been stood up by a date and needed a pick me up, so, of course, we all agreed to get together. After all, that's what friends are for.

But as I lean against my door, I think about how much fun I'd had with Damien and the way I felt when he kissed my lips. Not only that, but I think about how amazing he makes me feel and how much I like him.

I exhale, reminding myself that I need to hurry up and get ready before my friends come over. Usually we rotate who's place we're at, but I had volunteered, mostly because I don’t want to drive anywhere. My laziness now will mean a bit of a mess to clean later, but I don’t mind.

I reach into my room and throw on my PJs with a smile on my face. A few moments later I hear a knock at the door and race over to open it. On the other side are my friends Cass, Amy, and Ben. They're patiently waiting for me on the front step with expectant eyes and thrilled smiles, and I open my arms as they all pile into a hug.

“How are you doing, Ben?” I ask, patting him on the back as my friends back off.

“Well, I could be way better. But I'm looking forward to having fun with you guys tonight.” As he says the words, Cass lets out a whoop and pounds him on the back. Amy laughs and they all walk into my house in their PJs.

My friends scatter. Ben walks over and puts the bottle of wine he brought with him on the counter. Amy hurries over to the microwave to make popcorn, and Cass pulls me into another hug, her eyes searching my face.

I try to act casual, but I have a feeling she sees right through me.

“Hold on,” she says, searching deeper in my expression as I look away, my cheeks stinging. I have no doubt she can see the glow in my face, the sparkle in my eyes, and the happiness in my smile.

“You look different.” If she studies me, I can tell she's trying to figure out what has changed. I kind of hope she doesn't. “Oh my God,” she says, and I know that I'm caught.

Our other friends go quiet and all attention turns to me. “You hooked up with him, didn't you?”

I swallow hard, not sure how to answer this question. Of course, these are my friends. I don't have to answer the question because they all already know the second Cass says something.

“No way. You have to tell us everything.” Amy sounds absolutely thrilled as she glances at Ben, who shrugs his shoulders and smiles in my direction. “How was it? Is he amazing? Was he good?”

“Oh my gosh, Amy, give her a break,” Ben says with a laugh.

“This is how girls talk, Ben.” Amy reaches out and gives his shoulder a gentle shove. He chuckles, but glances at me as if reading my discomfort.

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